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11/18/2016 1:22 pm  #11

Re: WERE HANGING THIS WEEKEND but i need some help!!!

I find the best way to deal with friends is just to say you don't want to talk about it and change the subject.Β  I like to keep the energy of what I'm doing concentrated whilst in progress!

I have had friends absolutely convinced that me and my guy are together (which we are now!) and I was hardly saying anything about it.Β  I would just smile anytime the subject came up and not say anything either way about what was going on.

Also, visualise you telling your friends that you are together and them being really happy for you and how you would feel telling them that.

Last edited by Little Red Robin (11/18/2016 1:24 pm)

Love is all

11/18/2016 6:43 pm  #12

Re: WERE HANGING THIS WEEKEND but i need some help!!!

Can't wait to hear about your weekend!!! <3


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