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11/17/2016 5:01 pm  #1

manifested her family

This is something I do a lot. I love her family a lot so I seem to see them very often. I was running yesterday and as I ran through the crosswalk her aunt saw me. I knew for some reason I would see her. Today I actually set an intention to see her grandmother. I forgot about it while at work and just as I was walking out of work who pulls in? Her grandmother.

Last edited by InLakEsch (11/17/2016 7:19 pm)

In lak ech. Ancient Mayan for "you are my other me"

11/17/2016 6:39 pm  #2

Re: manifested her family

DAMN.. you on fire! Keep it up!Β 

"Believe in what you feel inside, and give your dreams the wings to fly
You have everything you need, if you just believe" -
Believe, Josh Groban
its hard to have a better tomorrowΒ if you're still thinking about yesterday


11/17/2016 7:25 pm  #3

Re: manifested her family

Thanks blue I forgot about this one today as well. I went to work feeling about a 6 out of ten. Kind of neutral with some happy feeling. Any way I've been focusing on just having some communication with her. I've been really loving her unconditionally and sending love her way whenever I think of her. While I was going about my day getting the store ready to open I get a phone call. Not uncommon for a restaurant. I had a slight feeling it was her. I looked at the id and sure enough. It was her cell phone number. I picked up and used the generic greeting lol. At first she sounded like she was sick and calling in. It turns out she was having a panic attack and having an awful day. I told her not to worry about coming in I would handle it and wished her a better day. It's not the "I really can't be without you" manifestation but little steps this situation also told me I have just a little resistance left. I got kinda tense while I was talking to her. I thought to myself at least I got to hear her voice then I started sending her love and consoling her in spirit.

In lak ech. Ancient Mayan for "you are my other me"
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