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11/17/2016 6:14 pm  #1

WERE HANGING THIS WEEKEND but i need some help!!!

So he asked me to hang this weekeend and has said everything i wanted him to say and it's funny because it's HAPPENING!!! I have been so happy and in a great vibe.....but I have so many negative friends that keep trying to put their two cents in and bring me down. I'm just so annoyed i never asked for their opinions but they won't shut up with their unwanted opinions. Any advice how to block them out and not allow their negative energy to affect me?


11/17/2016 6:20 pm  #2

Re: WERE HANGING THIS WEEKEND but i need some help!!!

Thats amazing for you! Im glad your getting everything you wanted to manifest!

As far as others opinions it dont really matter at all.  Just ask them to please keep they comments to themselves and just respect what makes you happy.


11/17/2016 6:22 pm  #3

Re: WERE HANGING THIS WEEKEND but i need some help!!!

Beautiful_1 wrote:

Thats amazing for you! Im glad your getting everything you wanted to manifest!

As far as others opinions it dont really matter at all. Just ask them to please keep they comments to themselves and just respect what makes you happy.

I did but they wont stop!! theyre just being so rude and keep saying hurtful things like "youll see when you get hurt again youre wasting your time whatever dont listen to me" blah blah blah 

Little do they know I create my own reality!!!!!! 

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11/17/2016 6:41 pm  #4

Re: WERE HANGING THIS WEEKEND but i need some help!!!

Easy, don't tell your friends. If they can't accept him, thats their problem not yours. 

When I don't like a friends new partner, I remind myself that I'm not the one dating them. 

Last edited by big_blue (11/17/2016 6:42 pm)

"Believe in what you feel inside, and give your dreams the wings to fly
You have everything you need, if you just believe" -
Believe, Josh Groban
its hard to have a better tomorrow if you're still thinking about yesterday


11/17/2016 7:26 pm  #5

Re: WERE HANGING THIS WEEKEND but i need some help!!!

They reflecting something back to you that you are putting out and I think it's worth thinking about what that is.

"Self-abandonment. That is the secret. We have to abandon ourselves to the state, in our love for the state, and in so doing live the life of the state and no more our present state. And to make the state alive, one must become it."

Neville Goddard ~ The Law and the Promise

11/18/2016 12:22 am  #6

Re: WERE HANGING THIS WEEKEND but i need some help!!!

From experience, my friends would project my fears about an old boyfriend of mine. I was always afraid he was a liar and would put our relationship below anything else in his life, so that became my reality. All my friends would tell me he was a liar and I was wasting my time with him. They don't speak that way about my about my love anymore because I am starting to think about him in a better light, my friends have even started bringing him up in conversation, without the negativity! 

It Is Not What Happens To You, It Is How You Respond To It. 

11/18/2016 8:34 am  #7

Re: WERE HANGING THIS WEEKEND but i need some help!!!

Visualize all of your friends approving and being supportive to you. Meditate to let go of these fears that they do not like him and send positive energy to everyone and the situation. Imagine it being great and your friends telling you how happy they are for you!!! Congrats on the manifestation!!!😆😆

"You can be, do, and have whatever you want. You are the creator of your reality."

11/18/2016 9:43 am  #8

Re: WERE HANGING THIS WEEKEND but i need some help!!!

Only think positive thoughts   visualize a wonderful weekend together    remember  you don't always have to answer your phone   screen until your  weekend is over    stay off everything   You will have a wonderful ​ time    just stay excited and happy    everything I happening     delete all negative thoughts  worries and fears    keep this to yourself for now   but be JOYFUL      Let us know how it goes!!!!!!   you have all of us sending you great energy


11/18/2016 11:08 am  #9

Re: WERE HANGING THIS WEEKEND but i need some help!!!

Thank you all guys yo uare right, i have come this far my positivity over comes all of their negativty its my life not theres!! Love you guys for always being there for me, so excited to update you guys about this magical weekend<3

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11/18/2016 12:42 pm  #10

Re: WERE HANGING THIS WEEKEND but i need some help!!!

Have fun and remain positive honey!


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