Help??? I need to erase a girl from my head. I even know her name... I need to not imagine her around him...Β
Do things that you like to do. Make yourself so busy that you don't even time to think about your situation because it is your reality right now. That could be anything active, reading, going for a walk, meditating really anything. Shift your perception away from my girl, my girl, my girl and back onto yourself. I think that from reading a lot of your posts that you want to see changes immediately and sometimes it is just better to be patient with yourself. There is no need to rush the process. Trust in the universe your relationship is already delivered so from that place start to think about yourself, do things for yourself and maybe set up some sort of morning routine and then as time goes by it won't be thoughts of her anymore it will be thoughts of you, or whatever social thing you are doing and there will be so much excitement and you'll wonder why you haven't thought about your girl all day. But right now, just put one foot in front of the other and take it one day at a time. If it is a crawl that still moving forward. Read up on LOA, do the things that make you feel good when you think about her is visualization, RS etc.Β
You know why I am having trouble? I am stuck in my home town... with not a ton to do... Its not a very happening place if you know what I mean haha. I will be moving back to Vancouver though...... and I am starting a job tonight so hopefully...that will keep me busy.... :S Thanks for all your advice! <3 I really appreciate it all!
There is always something to do! Watch a really funny movie that you know will make you laugh until tears are coming down your face, walk outside in nature and just look at the trees and I know it fascinates me how beautiful and perfect Mother Earth is and I am instantly in a better mood. I recommend making a list of 10 things that you love to do by yourself. That way when these times come up you can go right to that list pick one thing and there you go bingo bango you are feeling better!Β
Congrats on the new job, I hope your first day goes amazingly well!
Imagine her around me instead