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11/17/2016 9:18 am  #1

Everything is working close

I believe I am in the place of just knowing that my Love is here. I don't see pictures of him and get nervous which I used too. It's just another picture of him and I and us being together. There is no fear, resistance or any other negative feelings. I don't even think about him unless it pops into my head, I am finally on the vibration of positive expectation and knowing.

What I am really writing about is everything else I have manifested because of my belief in LOA. I opened up my bank app this morning and I attracted an extra 1200.00 that I did not know I was getting, not to mention being able to pay off a huge chunk of debt with. Secondly, I have manifested great social interactions with my friends and just being so grateful and present with them and having fun, no matter what we were doing. Most times its karaoke hehe. Lastly, just happiness. I am happy all of the time. Even when things don't go my way.WHO CARES?!?!? Β School is great and I feel like I am so dedicated to everything and everyone in my life. ! Life is just getting better and better and I am bursting at the seams with it. I have also, manifested the deposit for my trip to Costa Rica this summer (August 2017) with my Love and we are going to have a great time.

I once read an article that when your manifestation is about to manifest that everything else in your life begins to align yourself with it so the things that brought separation before do not matter. And look! everything is falling into place so nicely that even though in this reality My Love might not be present but it doesn't matter because I am so good by myself right now in the moment. I love LOA and I am so grateful for it and everyone of you guys on the forum.Β 
I don't know if this makes any sense because I am way too excited writing it! Have a great day full of manifestations!Β 


11/17/2016 12:25 pm  #2

Re: Everything is working close

Great! This is the way to go! congrats and thanks for sharing!Β 

"You can start with nothing. And out of nothing, and out of no way, a way will be made."

11/17/2016 2:00 pm  #3

Re: Everything is working close

Nice job!!! It's working!!! :D
I'm so happy for you, your love will pop up soon too!! :D

I thank the universe for everything.

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Veronica Isles LOA coach