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11/10/2016 1:44 pm  #11

Re: Almost there :)

Congratulations 😍

You deserve your desires because they are already yours.

11/10/2016 3:25 pm  #12

Re: Almost there :)

Thanks to you guys. You're making me cry. Β 

I don't know what's going to happen now. I guess I'll see ;)Β 

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11/10/2016 5:52 pm  #13

Re: Almost there :)

WOW amazing! well done!!!Β 

Anything and everything is possible!

11/10/2016 10:20 pm  #14

Re: Almost there :)



11/10/2016 10:27 pm  #15

Re: Almost there :)

Well he just told me in a super confusing message that he wants to see other women too.Β 

I'm not sure I understand why he's telling me this. It is not affecting me though. Just confused. haha.Β 

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11/10/2016 10:28 pm  #16

Re: Almost there :)

congratulaationssss girl !!


11/10/2016 11:37 pm  #17

Re: Almost there :)

Any suggestions?

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11/15/2016 12:22 am  #18

Re: Almost there :)

Love in such a way that the person you love feels free. But at the same time stand on your ground and state clearly what you want.

I'm happy for you, congratulations!

"If it be long then wait, for it is sure and it will not be late."

11/15/2016 12:59 am  #19

Re: Almost there :)

Thank you <3

I made a list of how I wanted our relationship to be. To be really specific this time and to create the Relationship I want.
Instead of focusing on him I focus on the Relationship I want

While I was meditating he texted me and we talked for an hour before he fell asleep (this is the longest we texted in months haha). He told me he wanted to see me. I am really happy and grateful for that exchange !!!

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11/15/2016 6:15 am  #20

Re: Almost there :)

Wow that is amazing, Justine.
​My love and I are also in different countries. I feel like any day he will ask me to come and visit him
​If you have time, can you share your story of how you are where you are ?


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