Lately, I had a rough time and I decided that it is nice to consciously create some nice things here and there, but that I want to discover my true potential and use it every day. I don't want to be a reactor to my circumstances. I want to be a strong unicorn!
The goal of this challenge is to move you closer to being the deliberate creator you came here to be. I's a little more advanced though. It requires that you are already aware of your thoughts and feelings and that you are able to shift them easily.
Some theory in the beginning:
You are the creator of your own reality. You are the creator of EVERYTHING. You are right now creating the device in front of you, me texting this, the tree in front of your window, your boss, everything. Everything you are aware of in your world is born out of your own consciousness without you even noticing that you are creating it. That's how powerful you are. With every thought you think, you create. There is no uncreative thought. You don't have to worry about competition, free will or any other problem you had in a universe in which only one version of this world exists. There is an infinite amount of parallel realites in which every possible version of reality already exist. So, there is really no reason to feel bad, worry or give up, because what you want is already there. How do you bring it into your experience? By focusing purely on your desired reality.
Understand that the reality you see now is not more real than the one you want to live in.
Understand that your thoughts and your reality are the same thing. The only difference is that you thought some thoughts over and over again, so that they finally crystallized.
You can see your imagination as a translating mechanism. You are zapping through all the channels of realities with your imagination and if you like a program, you stop and look closer. After a while, you immerge yourself in that reality and it becomes your actual reality.
The challenge:
I challenge you to pick a subject you want to change you are not too attached to (not your ex), but that's more important to you than a cup of coffee or a parking space. Think about the thoughts you usually think about it. That are the thoughts you don't want to think for the next 30 days, because they brought you where you are now. Think about the reality you want to live and decide that you make your imagined reality more important and more real than the one you can see. See it now, feel it now, be it now, live it now without wobbleing. Don't do it to manifest something, but do it, because it feels good. Don't look, if "reality" has already changed. It doesn't matter to you, because you are already living in the reality you want. You don't have to change the reality you are in. It can stay the same, that's okay. You are shifting realities.
Stay in your new reality, regardless of what is happening around you. When something happens you don't like and you start thinking about it, tell a different story. Think that it has happened exactly the way you wanted it to happen. Remember the new version of it as often as you need to forget about what has "really" happened.
It takes mental strengh to insist on your new reality. It's a muscle we haven't trained since our childhood. Training that muscle is the very reason of that challenge.
You can find more information on the concept here and here.
Last edited by Sanshi (11/17/2016 4:38 am)
I'm starting that challenge NOW and I'm pretty determined to do it for at least 30 days. I don't want to post the topic I'm working on here, but I will share my manifestation.
Great challenge!!
Day 1:
The day had been great until reality was a little in my face and I forgot about the challenge for a while. I wasn't able to catch me fully that very day, but who cares? It was just day 1. Still 29 days left to learn and to grow. It's like doing sports. The first time, it kills you, but after a week it gets easier and easier. I'm sure it's the same here.
Day 2:
I let me send reminders on my phone regularly, so it was easier to stay on track. Day 2 was a good day all over all and I had the first small manifestation. But who cares about physical reality? In my mind, it's much greater than that.
Day 3:
Day 3 went great. I'm starting to get the hang of this.I notice though that I need a few hours every day to get into the right mindset. The evenings are better than the mornings. Yesterday evening was the first time I fully got into the feeeling place of my desire and that was a strange experience.
I am in Starting now or tonight ( I'm at work) Lets learn !!!!
Way to go Sanshi! Yes, things really started changing for me when I practised getting into the 'feeling' place of my desire
Yay, a new unicorn.
Day 4:
I was busy, so I hadn't much time to focus on what I want. However, I also hadn't time to focus on what I don't want, so the day was okay. No contradicting energy here.
Day 5:
I wasn't able to follow my own instructions today. Maybe it was, because I didn't sleep so much, but it was hard to stay in my imagination and it even became hard to stay positive about reality. Luckily, my reality was nice to me or better stated my vibrational work payed out and something happened that gave me reassurance and now I feel amazing, admittedly because I observed reality and liked it. Tomorrow, I will have new energy to live in my own little world.