So I have been going through an extremely hard time ever since my boyfriend broke up with me 2months ago. About 2-3 weeks ago I found out about LoA and applied it to my life. I felt better but not amazing and had small manifestations like a certain song playing on the radio or seeing a butterfly, but nothing related to my boyfriend and our reconciliation. Recently I have found out he is dating someone, which is breaking my heart. Anyways when I first started LoA I asked the Universe or God to show me an orange Mustang, since I have been seeing Mustangs everywhere maybe 4-12 of them a day! This is the car my boyfriend drives. But I've never seen an orange one so I was waiting for the Universe to bring me one. Last night I broke down because with LoA you should turn the negatives to positives but I didn't make the effort to grieve. So these last couple of days have been extremely emotional. Today my friend texted me and asked if I was okay and she heard about my boyfriend. I have only told a couple of people because it makes me emotional and I don't want to put more energy into the issue than I already am. I started crying and just wanted to give up. I prayed that everything would work out between my boyfriend and I and to give me a sign to keep pushing. After driving to work today I saw an orange Mustang. I did a double take to make sure it wasn't red haha. And before driving to work a butterfly flew by my car. And even when my boyfriend broke up with me, a couple of weeks after he did, I was driving to school and I was so upset about everything. I prayed to God to play one of our songs on the radio before I went to class because I kept hearing it everywhere except the radio. I wanted to know if it was an actual sign or if I was going crazy (I didn't know about LoA very much back then). So I didn't change the stations unless an ad came on or something. And this song is popular but rarely ever plays on the radio (I Wont Give Up by Jason Mraz). Right when I turned into the school the song played and I started crying. Not sure how or what to take from all of this but it felt good today seeing that orange Mustang especially since I see a ton of them on the daily and I needed some hope. What do you guys think?
Last edited by laurenjfaz (11/12/2016 7:52 pm)
OMG I love the Jason Mraz song Such a good oneΒ Β I say keep up the good work. Maybe your mustang didn't come as quickly as you wanted to because you had a little bit more aligning to do and when you tweaked that- your sign came to show you that you were on the right path.Β
Alycat1110 wrote:
OMG I love the Jason Mraz song Such a good oneΒ Β I say keep up the good work. Maybe your mustang didn't come as quickly as you wanted to because you had a little bit more aligning to do and when you tweaked that- your sign came to show you that you were on the right path.Β
Yeah I'm just confused as to why because since I've been so emotional lately I haven't been the most positive and have been doubtful.. I'm not sure why I am receiving signs now. I feel like I got more signs when I wasn't doing LoA than when I was. And negative situations were happening regardless lol especially with my boyfriend.
Last edited by laurenjfaz (11/12/2016 8:12 pm)
laurenjfaz wrote:
Yeah I'm just confused as to why because since I've been so emotional lately I haven't been the most positive and have been doubtful.. I'm not sure why I am receiving signs now. I feel like I got more signs when I wasn't doing LoA than when I was. And negative situations were happening regardless lol especially with my boyfriend.
You are not "doing LoA". You can't turn it off. Every thought creates, if you want it or not. But you are now most probably more aware of your thoughts and therefore see synchronicities more easily.
You are receiving signs, because it isn't a sign but a manifestation. You focus on something without resistance (you don't think "omg, what if I don't see this Mustang/hear this song?") and it can come to you fast. But there is, in my opinion, no connection to your boyfriend. I got tons of "signs" a year ago when my ex broke up with me, but luckily he haven't come back.
Sanshi wrote:
laurenjfaz wrote:
Yeah I'm just confused as to why because since I've been so emotional lately I haven't been the most positive and have been doubtful.. I'm not sure why I am receiving signs now. I feel like I got more signs when I wasn't doing LoA than when I was. And negative situations were happening regardless lol especially with my boyfriend.
You are not "doing LoA". You can't turn it off. Every thought creates, if you want it or not. But you are now most probably more aware of your thoughts and therefore see synchronicities more easily.
You are receiving signs, because it isn't a sign but a manifestation. You focus on something without resistance (you don't think "omg, what if I don't see this Mustang/hear this song?") and it can come to you fast. But there is, in my opinion, no connection to your boyfriend. I got tons of "signs" a year ago when my ex broke up with me, but luckily he haven't come back.
Lol well that made me lose hope
laurenjfaz wrote:
Sanshi wrote:
laurenjfaz wrote:
Yeah I'm just confused as to why because since I've been so emotional lately I haven't been the most positive and have been doubtful.. I'm not sure why I am receiving signs now. I feel like I got more signs when I wasn't doing LoA than when I was. And negative situations were happening regardless lol especially with my boyfriend.
You are not "doing LoA". You can't turn it off. Every thought creates, if you want it or not. But you are now most probably more aware of your thoughts and therefore see synchronicities more easily.
You are receiving signs, because it isn't a sign but a manifestation. You focus on something without resistance (you don't think "omg, what if I don't see this Mustang/hear this song?") and it can come to you fast. But there is, in my opinion, no connection to your boyfriend. I got tons of "signs" a year ago when my ex broke up with me, but luckily he haven't come back.Lol well that made me lose hope
It's no reason to lose hope at all. There is no external universe that gives you signs that you are on the right path. YOU are the universe. The only guidance system you need are your feelings. Stop relying on outside circumstances and start to turn inside and access your true power.
Sanshi wrote:
laurenjfaz wrote:
Sanshi wrote:
You are not "doing LoA". You can't turn it off. Every thought creates, if you want it or not. But you are now most probably more aware of your thoughts and therefore see synchronicities more easily.
You are receiving signs, because it isn't a sign but a manifestation. You focus on something without resistance (you don't think "omg, what if I don't see this Mustang/hear this song?") and it can come to you fast. But there is, in my opinion, no connection to your boyfriend. I got tons of "signs" a year ago when my ex broke up with me, but luckily he haven't come back.Lol well that made me lose hope
It's no reason to lose hope at all. There is no external universe that gives you signs that you are on the right path. YOU are the universe. The only guidance system you need are your feelings. Stop relying on outside circumstances and start to turn inside and access your true power.
I feel like you are doing all of the right things and know what you're talking about but where's your boyfriend? I feel like you're the most dedicated and diligent people on here and if you haven't gotten him back then I won't either lol
Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't want my ex back anymore. I have grown immensely and I have outgrown him for a long time now. I'm mostly here to help. But I can tell you one thing: When I wanted him back, I was in the same place as most people here are and that was not even close to getting him back. I can guarantee you with absolute certainty that it was my responsibility that he didn't come back. So no reason to look at me and be discouraged. It's never a good idea to look at others, because you don't know their thoughts. But I know my thoughts and I was equally focused on "reality" as most of you are. And btw, it's always easier to give advice to others than to implement it in our own lifes. I'm still struggling here and there, even though I know what to do.
I believe that when we see signs it means we are moving in the right direction. However, you don't want the signs you ultimately want your love back right? I used to ask for ridiculous signs and they would always come and it just strengthened my belief in myself and the universe. So just because signs are a manifestation why would that make you think you can't get your love back? True signs about moving one step closer in your manifestation are feeling better and truly loving yourself.
I also don't think you should base your ability to get your love back based on whether someone else was able to do it. You have to believe in your own power just like the people who are familiar with LOA do. A key to self love is being able to acknowledge each path is different and not compare
Alycat1110 wrote:
I believe that when we see signs it means we are moving in the right direction. However, you don't want the signs you ultimately want your love back right? I used to ask for ridiculous signs and they would always come and it just strengthened my belief in myself and the universe. So just because signs are a manifestation why would that make you think you can't get your love back? True signs about moving one step closer in your manifestation are feeling better and truly loving yourself.
I also don't think you should base your ability to get your love back based on whether someone else was able to do it. You have to believe in your own power just like the people who are familiar with LOA do. A key to self love is being able to acknowledge each path is different and not compare
Well i understand that signs mean you're closer to your manifestation but I'm hearing two different things from people that signs mean nothing and signs mean something. And I want to know the successes of other people because first it gives me hope and second the success rate of using LoA on an ex is pretty low but I know that's because of the individual, letting go, practicing, persistence, etc.