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11/11/2016 1:18 am  #1

Signs of encouragement!

i havent been looking for signs since I didn't really believe in them, but I couldn't help but notice that I'm seeing the exact model/year and color of his car everywhere and the name of his work is also following me. I ended up watching Veronica's video where she says that signs are usually encouragement from the universe! I love that idea and am glad I'm being encouraged!


11/11/2016 1:20 am  #2

Re: Signs of encouragement!

Also! He's been watching my snapchat stories so I'm assuming that means he's still checking up on me ;)

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11/11/2016 4:17 am  #3

Re: Signs of encouragement!

I love signs like that. I've been seeing his name and stuff he likes everywhere since I stopped actively seeking them. You're on the right track!Β 

It Is Not What Happens To You, It Is How You Respond To It.Β 

11/11/2016 12:08 pm  #4

Re: Signs of encouragement!

Yes, this is happening with me too, me and my girl have a special number. This number is following me everywhere, everytime. And I keep seeing her exact car model and color too. Let's keep it up!Β 

"You can start with nothing. And out of nothing, and out of no way, a way will be made."

11/15/2016 8:35 am  #5

Re: Signs of encouragement!

I was going to write my own separate post on this, but I see the thread exists! I too have been seeing little signs of encouragement. I was having them before, and I was allowing myself to get really confused, question them, and doubt them. When emailing back and forth with Veronica, she had, in a nutshell, wanted me to focus on those good feelings I was having and trust them. Now the same thing is happening again, and she has a whole video about it! So I wanted to write/type out that I have gratitude for them .

Lately, for the past week, something I see on social media or just walking around, will remind me of my guy.... particularly, ALL of our old inside jokes, even from when we had first started talking. We had A LOT of inside jokes. They have been flooding my memory out of nowhere, when I'm not even thinking about them! So I noticed that instead of getting confused and starting to doubt them, I recognized them since they had happened before. I had put the 25 day challenge on hold briefly, not because I couldn't do it, but I really like journalling about it to track my progress. I thought since I had to leave my job, I had to put it on hold because it works best when you're with that in mind I went back to focusing on myself, and bouncing back. All of a sudden these feelings and memories started happening again. Today it was extremely powerful, and it was when I hadn't thought about him WHATSOEVER. Not even one thought until the memories came back. They're all good memories though. I did a little creative visualization/remote seduction before I went to bed and I don't even know how, but this time felt more powerful and connected than the past times. I felt like I was seeing and feeling everything that was happening. My mind is still blown. I have a feeling that something is going to happen very soon in the physical!

True forgiveness is accepting the apology you have not yet received.Β 

11/15/2016 12:05 pm  #6

Re: Signs of encouragement!

It happens to me all the time with the car he drives, with numbers, etc.


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