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11/09/2016 6:02 pm  #1

Vibrational nonsense undone

I normally don't post success stories anymore, because I could start a new post every day. It just got way too much. My success story today doesn't really look like one, but it feels like one and it includes a specific person and some struggle, so that's the perfect place to share it.

A month or so ago, a new guy came into my life and I totally manifested him. We haven't met yet, because we are living far apart, but it just feels right and I don't have to worry about, if it fits in real life, because I manifested him and so I'm sure that it does. We texted nearly every day and he even started to tell me, when he couldn't be online. So it unfolded nicely. I did my vibrational stuff and focused on all the good, but there was one thing I focused on that wasn'that good. He promised to talk to me once, but he wasn't online this day. I gave it my attention and it happened again, and again I gave it my attention, silly me. Then, the whole story started. On Friday, I got a voice message from him telling me that he wouldn't be able to text on Saturday, but on Sunday and that he likes me a lot. I waited the whole Sunday (and was completely in this waiting vibration full of lack) and he didn't text, even though he was online all day. In the evening, I send a short text and he replied that he has to be there for a friend. I was so disappointed, but I was mostly disappointed, because I wasn't able to control my emotions around him. I felt that I couldn't handle it. I cried myself to sleep that night and my thoughts were all over the place. I was back where I started one year ago. No control over my thoughts, no attention to my feelings, blaming the behaviour of others and analysing behaviour. The next day was the worst day I had within the last 6 months or more. I felt just terrible. I'm normally between enthusiasm and contentment on the emotinal scale, but within a day, I fell down to sadness, anger and insecurity and I couldn't pick myself up as I can normally. I cried myself to sleep a second night and felt silly for crying about a guy I haven't even met yet. In the meantime, my thoughts ran amok. I even thought that I wouldn't ever hear from him again - not very productive and not so much what I wanted. It took me those two days to pick me up again. I thought "One moment, when I think this, it feels terrible what means that it isn't in line with what my Inner Being is thinking". So, I started to shift my thoughts about the situation. I still had some harder hours, but I managed to feel better. I think I don't even have to mention that I did not hear from him in any way. Today, I felt a lot better and had some moments in love and I was mostly back in my normal emotional range, although I had some not so good thoughts. What I did today was focusing as much on what I want as I could. I visualised around all day and it felt good. I decided that I wouldn't blame him for his behaviour and that I wouldn't even tell him what I had gone through. I decided to trust him. Just because another guy ghosted me doesn't mean that he would do it too. And I stopped waiting around for him. And guess what? Maybe an hour after I decided to trust him and forgot about him for a few minutes, he texted. Something really bad happened, so he had a good reason not to text. He even told me that he hopes I'm not angry. No, not

I'm really glad that I caught myself and worked on my vibration. I don't want to know what had happened, if I hadn't done this. I'm grateful for that experience though, because I learned much. It gave me the possibility to have a look on my old thought processes, so that I can understand better how I attracted stuff in my past. It showed me that the old patterns aren't that strong anymore, but they are still there and I still have to be very aware to not fall back.

"Self-abandonment. That is the secret. We have to abandon ourselves to the state, in our love for the state, and in so doing live the life of the state and no more our present state. And to make the state alive, one must become it."

Neville Goddard ~ The Law and the Promise

11/09/2016 6:25 pm  #2

Re: Vibrational nonsense undone

That's great news you're understanding your old patterns and you're trying to shift out of the old habits!
You showing great strength has helped me understand my own thought patterns too! I have to start shifting like you too!!Β 

I thank the universe for everything.

11/11/2016 2:45 am  #3

Re: Vibrational nonsense undone

This is so so so awesome......but again....Sanshi you are someone who always tells the TRUTH no matter what....So FOR ALL THE LOA MEMBERS.....SANSHI HAS BAD DAYS TOO...AND EVEN SHE CRIES...SO WE CAN ALSO LOLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZΒ You are an amazing person Sanshi.....and am so glad to hear about this described in your own words how a shift of vibration can change the whole picture, as LOA says its US and not THEM!!!

I do the same thing when it comes to my best friend, or may be the guy who's with me since last 3 years (with me means been with me through thick n thin- not my love) I never even bother when he dosnt respond, coz I know HE WILL....and he's done....No ego no expectation no questions asked....and things are the best bewteen us....we only go high and low when "expectation" comes, thats where we need to work and things will fall in place!!! Keep on the vibration my supppperrrr girl....Love u loads!!!!!


11/12/2016 9:08 am  #4

Re: Vibrational nonsense undone

Aw, thanks girl. <3 But there isn't really a reason to cry, because you can change everything. When you need to cry, you are so far off from what you want that it literally hurts you. So better don't do it.

Your story is interesting. I thought about expecations too lately. It used to confuse me, because Abe told us that we get what we expect, but that wasn't my experience. I came to the conclusion that there are two forms of expecations. The conscious ones like "he is my bf, he should call me" and the subconscious ones like "guys sometimes just forget about their gf". If the subconscious ones are in line with the conscious ones, all is well and we get what we expect. But in my example, we expect the guy unreliable sometimes and that's what we get.

"Self-abandonment. That is the secret. We have to abandon ourselves to the state, in our love for the state, and in so doing live the life of the state and no more our present state. And to make the state alive, one must become it."

Neville Goddard ~ The Law and the Promise
     Thread Starter

11/12/2016 11:01 am  #5

Re: Vibrational nonsense undone

Thats is awesome!!


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