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11/04/2016 8:37 pm  #1

Success! amazing couple of weeks!

(Sorry it is very long / also english is my second language)This week has been an amazing week for me. My love and I broke up a month ago because of external issues that didn't involve how we felt for each other. Moslty because my ex before him was behaving like a pain in the ass and making our love story a dirty one and spreading hate, he was also playing the victim role. Now i see how i attracted that to my own love story. Anyways, after we broke up and I ound out Veronica i started applying the law of attraction and two and a half weeks ago i realized what some of my doubts and fears where and how were they causing my resistance. The first one was the thought of my ex (before my love(, never being mature enough and being an obstacle in the way, the second fear i had was that my love's friends would fall for my ex's hate speech and therefore hate me aswell serving also as an obstacle to me. So two weeks ago i started addresing both issues so i visualized/scripted my ex (before my love) being happy, good relationship with his parents, successful life, new love, new job and far away from hate; for the second fear i visualized encountering with three specific friends of my love and having nice conversations with them while laughing. I also visualized a reunion in my love's house surrounded by his friends and all laughing and saying how great couple we were. After i did this i felt and incredible relief. Last week on wednesday my ex (before my love) send me a text saying we wanted to speak with me, so I agreed on seeing him on Thursday, we met up on a coffee shop. All day long i visualized making peace with him, forgiving and letting go of any thoughts of him. When he arrived i realized he still felt resentement and never once apologized but i was okwith it because i had forgave him beforehand in my mind. We made "peace" and i realized he still did not let go. He started saying things that supposedly my love had said about me (bad things) and im my mind all i felt was clarity for i could see he was lying to me and i decided not to give it importance as my mayor goal was to make peace and remove resistance.Β 
After that i travel on the weekend and spent some days with my bestfriend so I had tons of fun and happiness aswell as a lot of support. Little signs kept appearing to me to show alignment like repeating numbers (mostly 555, and combinations of 1 and 7) his name appeared at random places, a sign in the street said his name and then "have certainty in love". On Tuesday of this week i saw 2 random people wearing similar clothes ad him and yesterday i was sitting on the library and hearing this conversation beside me of a guy thnking on going back with hs ex, at that same instant another guy passed by wearing the exact same clothes my love wears, some grey pants, blue shirt, blue sneakers. After I realized that guy was not my love but i tok it as a good thing and let my day go by. My love and I are mayoring in the same thing but he is a couple semesters above me so i never encounter him at the University. Anyways, yesterday evening Β got a text from a facebook group of my university department inviting us to a gathering. I felt like i needed to go, so i did, my love wasnt there but two of his friends were. So i started chatting with one of them whom invited me to a party that same night at his house. I left with him and some other friends. At the party i kept seeing repeting numbers and i realized my visualization had come true. I was in a party laughing and having fun with 4 of his friends (3 of the ones i had visualized) and we where not even talking about my love but sharing fun stories and having a blast. Today morning i woke up n doubt of whether or not i had acted as I should at the party( topics/behaviour, etc) so i quickly shut down the negative emotions. Today i stayed an hour longer at the library reading and when i went out i run by a friend and started chattng and two minutes later i see my love walking by ( at a distance) totally focused on the front and not looking at the direction i was in (maybe he had seen me and decided he wasnt ready to talk to me or maybe hi didnt see me at all) anyways, all this happened at 1:07 pm- the number iΒ΄ve been seeing th last days. I know its a long story but im feeling totally great and happy and i see things aligning around me, Β have no hurry things will align as these other did.


11/05/2016 9:42 am  #2

Re: Success! amazing couple of weeks!

So inspiring and amazing!!! You go!!!

Ps: don't call him your ex anymore. He is yours <3


11/05/2016 12:13 pm  #3

Re: Success! amazing couple of weeks!

Hey im sorry if i did not make it very clear. there are two "ex" in my story. The one i want to go back with i refer to him as my love, and the one before him i dont want to go back with i refer to him as my ex

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