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Soooo, today wound up being so much better than I'd imagined it to be. Early hours yesterday I hit a low point, overthinking, over analysing and just generally feeling low, I even cried! I decided that after I'd gotten it out of my system I was going to change my perspective and what a day this wound up being. Sorry this'll be lengthy, I'm just excited and even took photos because why not?!Β
I'd had no sleep, still haven't just felt the need to share this and then it's straight to bed. I decided not to wallow in self pity and go outside for a few hours and meet up with a friend, after my morning yoga, scripting, affirmations and visualising stuff. I aimed to finish one book on my Kindle, the book was "Yours for the Taking" by Neville Goddard. I decided I'd read it on the bus journey. I missed the original bus I wanted to get on, I decided not to react to that and just cross the road to the stop that was there, it'd just go back around anyway. That bus turned up rather quickly so I sat in the seat I prefer to sit in and starting reading that book, I finished it before I got to my destination, I probably wouldn't have if I'd gotten on the bus I'd originally planned on, so that was part of that goal being manifested!Β
I'd made it my intention to collect these movies, I always loved them and I wanted a movie night involving these. Got them all for 50p a piece over the space of a few weeks. Movie night sorted!Β
I had a good day walking around the city with my friend, he's such a nice guy. I even bought him lunch for being a good friend, he deserved it.Β
Another manifestation was Twin Peaks, I love this show and it had been on my mind for a while, look what jumped out at me as I left another store!Β
I could feel myself crashing, lack of sleep isn't good for your body and I don't recommend falling into my broken cycle, I kept telling myself in my head "I am awake, I am full of joy and elation", I said to my friend I needed to go home and sleep, instead of allowing me to fall back into sleeping in the day he invited me back to his place, he lives with mutual friends. Spent the rest of my day there, laughing and joking with them, I totally forgot I was even tired! Β Occasionally I'd picture my man being sat with us because let's face it, that's my future once I'm back in the best place for me. I also got a ride back from my friends older brother which saved me money on taxi fare. Just received a text from a friend saying "Thanks for coming up today, I really enjoyed your company, I've missed you! xx". I'm flying pretty high right now! Once I've finished writing in my gratitude journal and other things I'm going to be reunited with my bed! If you've actually read all of this, thank you and I hope you're well. <3
Sounds like it turned into an amazing day that you managed to turn around with your positivity! I've just booked myself into an hour and a half yoga class this eve! Twin Peaks is awesome :D You got this X
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