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10/27/2016 8:16 pm  #1

Warm Feelings

Hey everyone. Hope you're all seeing the success you very much deserve. I've been at this for a little while, and I'm feeling stronger each day with manifesting and visualizing. I'm definitely feeling something in the ether moving things where they need to be to bring us back together, and I can't wait for it all to become fully real.

One thing I've noticed, which I'd like to share with you, is how real some of these visualizations are feeling. I heard somewhere, on one of Abraham Hicks's videos, I think, that the feelings you have when visualizing are, themselves, manifestations of thought and emotion. I like the idea, since it shows the build-up from thought to emotion to physical reality.

This brings me to something I've been experiencing: physical warmth. I've done a lot of visualizing the two of us touching, as well as some more romantic remote seduction experiences, and I find them feeling more and more...real. I can very nearly feel her skin against mine, or her fingers between mine as we hold hands, or warmth along my body.

Has anyone else felt anything like this? I feel a little silly discussing it here, but it does make me think things are invisibly improving between us, and gives me a lot of hope. It also makes me visualize more often and for longer periods.


10/29/2016 7:35 am  #2

Re: Warm Feelings

I also noticed that and it is definitely a good thing when it feels sooo real!

She believed she could, so she did.

10/29/2016 10:06 am  #3

Re: Warm Feelings

I have experienced this. I have also had random times during the day where i just feel so full of love and happy and warm. Even if the situation with my love is not where I want it to be i just get filled with so much love for everything and everyone. he is back in the picture and things are super amazing even though we have not said we are official yet I think a big part of this is due to my gratitude journaling. it really makes you appreciate everything as it is now and builds faith. You guys rock!!! I am so happy for you!!!!

"You can be, do, and have whatever you want. You are the creator of your reality."

10/29/2016 5:00 pm  #4

Re: Warm Feelings

Yes, I really enjoy the lovely feelings from the visualisations, I find touch is the easiest sense to work with, they also certainly translate into real manifestations too!

Love is all

11/02/2016 9:24 pm  #5

Re: Warm Feelings

Wow, thank you all for sharing this. I'm sometimes nervous about posting here, especially with such a topic as this, and I'm so thankful that you've also experienced these emotions and felt comfortable sharing them with us. Thank you guys so much.

I'm also curious: What do you do when these things happen? How do you sustain them? How do you make them deeper? I've been experimenting enjoying them and luxuriating in them, particularly right before sleep, and each night makes me feel more confident in my desire and manifestation.

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