Hello lovelies,Β
I've been feeling so much love lately and I am filled with gratitude for it. I truly love myself, my friends, strangers in the streets, my colleagues, you guys of course.
I truly believe that love is the most powerful thing in the world. Whatever action you take based on pure love means you're true to yourself. And being true to yourself means you respect yourself and therefore love yourself. Β
Never let fear enters your heart. Fear is the opposite of love. Whatever action based on fear is never gonna make you feel good. And it won't bring anything good into your life.Β
So take the time today to just spread love around you. Call a friend, call your brother/sister. Whoever. And tell them you love them, and that you're happy to have them in your life. Go for a walk, say hello and smile to strangers .Β
Don't expect anything in return. Just give and smile from the heart, it will always come back to you.Β
Justine xx
Lovely post <3
Sweet post