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10/26/2016 8:21 am  #1

When the Universe makes everything work

Hey lovelies, Β 

I'm really happy this morning and I wanted to share it with you. I haven't manifested the relationship with my man yet but so many things are happening (things that I think I'm attracting).Β 

My man and I are long distance, he is American and I am Canadian. Our plan was to move in together in the States (we did talk about NYC) even though I knew it would be hard to get a Visa, so meanwhile I would try to find freelance contracts. When our old relationship ended, he had just move to California (which is SUPER far from where I live haha.. it would take me 11h by plane).

Since then, I keep having job offers non-stop (all freelance. which means I'm paid by Canada, but I don't need to be here physically. I can work from home). My man moved to NYC (which is an hour away by plane). And this morning my cousin just told me he's going to open a division of his company to the states and he wants to hire me so I could move there.Β 

Not the relationship yet. But it is still pretty huge for me Β 

Hope it'll give you hope.Β 

Last edited by Justine (10/26/2016 8:21 am)


10/26/2016 8:35 am  #2

Re: When the Universe makes everything work

Amazing! This is exactly what happened to me. My love is in London and we broke up because of distance. Since that I focused on myself and manifested my dream job, which happened to be in London! Never thought I would, but the universe has delivered and is continuiosuly doing so!

Also.. I went and got my hair cut today and it's a massive difference. I feel amazing and so many people have complimented - taking care of me is proving to be amazing!

Sending you love ☺️❀️


10/26/2016 8:51 am  #3

Re: When the Universe makes everything work

Amazing guys...happy for u both πŸ˜ƒ


10/26/2016 12:36 pm  #4

Re: When the Universe makes everything work

Yeaaaah <3

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10/26/2016 2:27 pm  #5

Re: When the Universe makes everything work


Love is all

10/29/2016 7:01 pm  #6

Re: When the Universe makes everything work


We recieve exactly what we expect to recieve. - John Holland.Β Β 

11/01/2016 12:20 am  #7

Re: When the Universe makes everything work

Looks like I'm going to be in his city next week. I don't even know if i'll text him to tell him. Guess it is what they call "being detached from the outcome" and trusting the Universe. haha!Β 

(Last time we saw each other a month ago it went super well, we even cuddled <3 ).Β 

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