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10/21/2016 8:53 am  #1


I havent been on here in a while. However, the last time I was on here I was distaught, heart broken, anxious, and many more things. My live ignored me for several months due to me telling a friend our problems. He came back around but I would say something crazy as a result it pushed him back away. Instead of me asking wueations i acted ways to try to get a reaction to try to get an answer indirectly. He did tell me he made himself change feelings for me. Recently I asked him to visit in which he did. We jokes like old times but I still have a little fear becAuse I know he has no problem being friends with his exes and the thought i being friend zoned it not exciting. Ive learned to accept everything. We text each other atleast once every 2 weeks but its not much of a conversation. But its just a little success nothing dramatic.


10/21/2016 3:52 pm  #2

Re: SUCCESS story

I hope you don't mind that I take your post to pieces. I don't do it to tease you, but to show you where you are heading in the wrong direction.

mariposa00 wrote:

However, the last time I was on here I was distaught, heart broken, anxious, and many more things.

Why are you telling a story that you don't want to experience again (I guess)? I know, you want us to see the full picture, but your words have creative power. What is more important? That we all know your story or that you create in your life that which you prefer?

mariposa00 wrote:

My live ignored me for several months due to me telling a friend our problems.

That was not the reason why he ignored you. There are no outside causes, even though it seems to be that way. But think about your manifestations. Don't they come all along a logical path? Everything is a manifestation and everything happens due to your vibration. That's the only reason that exists and that will ever exist.

mariposa00 wrote:

He came back around but I would say something crazy as a result it pushed him back away. Instead of me asking wueations i acted ways to try to get a reaction to try to get an answer indirectly.

Because you hadn't ligned up fully with what you want and tried to replace the missing alignment with action from a feeling of insecurity. That can't work in your favour.

mariposa00 wrote:

We jokes like old times but I still have a little fear becAuse I know he has no problem being friends with his exes and the thought i being friend zoned it not exciting.

Why would you think this thought, if it's not exciting to you? There is nothing in the universe that can force you to think a thought. I admit, it's not that easy to not think about the elephant when it stands in front of your nose, but it's doable. What thought would you prefer? You are in the creator's seat. Your guy is your creation. Him being friends with his exes is your creation. What would you prefer?

mariposa00 wrote:

We text each other atleast once every 2 weeks but its not much of a conversation.

If you want that to change then tell a different story.

Your problem is that your vibration is very wobbly. The reason for that is that you still live with more than one feet in your current reality. If you could manage to focus only on the reality you would prefer, it would happen fast for you and exactly the way you want it to happen.

"Self-abandonment. That is the secret. We have to abandon ourselves to the state, in our love for the state, and in so doing live the life of the state and no more our present state. And to make the state alive, one must become it."

Neville Goddard ~ The Law and the Promise

10/21/2016 4:32 pm  #3

Re: SUCCESS story

Well I do not mind you pointing out certain things to me. However, everytime I do post on here you come across very hard. Maybe its how your wording things to get ur message across. Now I told the story only because yes I wanted to refresh you guys what happened. Understand some are more experiences than others and myself this is all new to me still. I am still learning I am human therefore you can tell a person oh dont worry about that bill not being paid but you just recieved an eviction notice and you know u have no access to any money. So its natural to worry. This is just an example that i am using. I am learning to redirect my thoughts and energy to being more positive. But bad habits occur over a period of time so to revert that it doesnt come overnight. Thanks for your input I could put some use to it.

     Thread Starter

10/21/2016 5:11 pm  #4

Re: SUCCESS story

It's your choice what you take and what you leave behind.

And btw, it's not my intention to sound hard. I'm just not a friend of sugarcoating. It may feel better to you that people tell you that you are on the right path and that he will be back soon, but it doesn't help, because you don't learn something from it.

Last edited by Sanshi (10/21/2016 5:19 pm)

"Self-abandonment. That is the secret. We have to abandon ourselves to the state, in our love for the state, and in so doing live the life of the state and no more our present state. And to make the state alive, one must become it."

Neville Goddard ~ The Law and the Promise

10/21/2016 5:24 pm  #5

Re: SUCCESS story

Im not receptive to sugarcoating but once again it could be ur approach and how you convey what your trying to say to a person.

     Thread Starter

10/21/2016 5:27 pm  #6

Re: SUCCESS story

mariposa00 wrote:

Well I am still learning I am human therefore you can tell a person oh dont worry about that bill not being paid but you just recieved an eviction notice and you know u have no access to any money. So its natural to worry.

Hi, read my post called "Biggest mistake people have with LOA"

I explain my way of using LOA and I fully describe the difference between NATURE and LOA.

What you have said, that it's natural to worry, you are absolutely right. However, naturally when you worry, you feel bad and think of more bad things. So first of all, this isn't good for your health naturally.

Now LOA way. When you have negative thoughts, you tend to slow your manifestation. However, you don't attract more PAIN if you do NOT take actions that would bring you pain. Instead, you'll attract more negative REASONS to think even more negatively.

I hope this helped, read the post I mentioned. Hopefully that post will motivate you and give you some understandings. LOA is used different ways and at the end, they all work.

- Ace

Never give up.
There are different routes to the same destination.

10/21/2016 10:48 pm  #7

Re: SUCCESS story

In any way my dear it is always nice to feel positive no matter what. You'll definitely be happier with a positive minding than with a negative one!

So erase all anxiety, and even if you don't see results the very next day, you'll feel better! And feeling good is a must in all situations!Β 

So grab a piece of paper and write down everything you want as if you already have it. You want to be more than friends? Write that down! You want to talk to him everyday? Write down that you are!!

Cheesy quote of the day: Smile at life and life will smile back at you.Β 


10/23/2016 10:28 pm  #8

Re: SUCCESS story

Thank you guys!!

     Thread Starter

10/25/2016 6:07 am  #9

Re: SUCCESS story

So, I have story of success Well, it's not complete but hey
I'm working on my ex case (getting him back) and yesterday I went running and first I had few ladybugs on me. I saw this as a sign but before I went running I wanted a BIG sign from Universe. So, I thought, ok ladybugs. It's not so big but it's ok. I was thinking to go for 5 running circles but after 4th I felt like it's enough and I went home and I SAW HIM! We were ignoring each other, of course, but that was that HUDGE sign. I was sooooo happy!Β 
Don't lost your hope never ever!!!!


10/25/2016 6:58 am  #10

Re: SUCCESS story

Jovana wrote:

So, I have story of success Well, it's not complete but hey
I'm working on my ex case (getting him back) and yesterday I went running and first I had few ladybugs on me. I saw this as a sign but before I went running I wanted a BIG sign from Universe. So, I thought, ok ladybugs. It's not so big but it's ok. I was thinking to go for 5 running circles but after 4th I felt like it's enough and I went home and I SAW HIM! We were ignoring each other, of course, but that was that HUDGE sign. I was sooooo happy!Β 
Don't lost your hope never ever!!!!

That is wonderful!! I am so happy for you!


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