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10/18/2016 3:15 pm  #1

It's working! ☺️⭐️

Hello lovelies!

Okay, so I have had some success!

Unfortunately my boyfriend and I broke up about 5/6 weeks ago. It was mutual because we had been doing LD for a couple of months and things gradually wore down. I look back now and I now I know what I know.. I saw how my negative thoughts impacted and caused it. BUT I am glad it happened! (Well, now.. I was distraught at the time!).

Anyway, we broke up and the first two weeks I was very down. Crying all the time, moping... you name it. After I just snapped out of it and thought... no! Pull yourself together Han! So, I looked at LOA. Little did I know I actually had used LOA to get my car a year previously.. I fell in love and imagined myself driving it, opening the boot.. how I felt owning it and I got it!

Carrying on... I applied for a job which I thought was perfect and so really focused on it. I went to the interview, it went well and I felt good. I didn't get it, and at that point I cried for all of 5 minutes and then said 'Right Hannah.. you've got this. Everything is going to be okay, it's time to explore other avenues'.

I took on board my interview feedback, and started writing down what job I wanted and where.  I visualised having the job, the people, the money and overall how happy I was. I wrote my affirmations and repeated them before bed and during the day. After just one day I found this job which I was attracted to. I then rang the manager and expressed my interest and had the nicest talk with him. I now look and see how LOA provided me with that opportunity (I had a feeling to find him in linked in and it worked magically 😎)

I kept doing my visualisations, affirmations and just smiled.. I was happy. I imagined the feeling of excitement of being offered the job! I knew I could do this and I knew I was going to be okay. I applied for the job, this was last Monday... I got called to the interview for the Friday (14th Oct) and I was so excited. I visualised, I did everything. And you know what..

I GOT OFFERED THE JOB ON THE SPOT!! The people were absolutely what I wanted, so was the place, the job role, the salary. I could not believe it. After months of being down and getting nowhere, simply using LOA for 3 weeks I got it.

Then, today.. I got a call from the manager from the previous job I got rejected from offering me THAT job. The job I actually didn't want and it felt so good rejecting it. I couldn't believe that happened..

Now, regarding my partner. The job is actually only 20 minutes from him - I never thought I would be able to be near him. I contacted him (I know I shouldn't have) and he was so supportive. I've been practicing LOA in this too, as I know I can have him back and everything is slowly but surely falling into place. I haven't contacted him since as I am still focusing on me.. but I know it will all work out. 

I am so happy and confident. I have had my bad moments with regards to attracting him, I think people just see this kind of scenario as harder (I know I do and I don't know why!) but I cannot wait to see him and hug him - I visualise, send him heart energy, do RS, script.. you name it! Now I'll be in London and near him (unexpected) I visualised us together looking at the Christmas lights and it makes me so happy. Even visualise me going out with him and his friends and him being so happy I'm with him as being apart made us miserable.

Anyway lovelies - I'm sorry it's long but I just wanted to share this experience as I am just so happy and full of love and joy. I am so glad I found this forum and really have opened my eyes to LOA. I will keep encouraging you guys, and I hope you can support me too.

Never give up, it's easier said than done but we can get what we want. I'm helping my best friend too as she hasn't had a great time recently and I know this will help her tremendously.

Sending you all love  (love) (love) (love)


10/18/2016 7:15 pm  #2

Re: It's working! ☺️⭐️

So happy for you! Congrats!Β 

You have all my support! Keep going and please tell us how things go !Β 


10/19/2016 8:54 am  #3

Re: It's working! ☺️⭐️

Congratulations, you inspire me Β 


10/19/2016 10:10 am  #4

Re: It's working! ☺️⭐️

I got my job not too far from where my boyfriend works too. I really wasn't thinking about that either. But what I was thinking about was working someplace that correlates with the career that I want. It most certainly does correlate with it and I could not be happier. Now I know it seems difficult to attract him back, but it's easier than you think once you realize everything you want you already have. I had an interesting history with my boyfriend, but then one day I realized I always had him and was grateful for that, our relationship has really turned tables. Now I dream big and believe that I already have it all. Being a creator is so much fun, once you know how to use your power wisely.Β 

A King only bows down to his Queen.

10/19/2016 11:55 am  #5

Re: It's working! ☺️⭐️

yessss, you story made me really happy, congratulations and lots of luck and love! you deserve it!!! Β <3


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