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Only the success stories that I have read including RI speak about exes. What about manifesting someone that you have never been in a relationship with? There is no bond there. Any success stories about that?
I like to know too Β
I told my experience here, I pulled a neighbor who I liked and it was not my ex ... but only sexually not to have a relationship as I wanted ..
apology English is not my native language.
There's a ton more. These are some of the best I could find on short notice. I'll post more if I can find them. Search "Fred" stories/videos with Abraham Hicks--you'll find answers to everything you're looking
Sure - I absolutely attracted my "ex" as a specific person before he became my so-called "ex" - which by the way - he's not an "ex" to me - I prefer "my love" - so yeah - anyway - I totally attracted him as a "specific person" "out of thin air" many moons ago.
The process is the same for whatever you want and wherever you are...and yes, it works.
But yes - in answer to your question - i successfully attracted a "specific person" while we were living an ocean and continents away.
Totally can be done.
Happy to answer any questions.
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