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10/08/2016 5:49 am  #1

LOA work... He is back....

Maybe somebody will look strange and ask Leli, but you wanted to attract girl, not boy :D :D :D. And answer is yes.

But on this journey i learned so much. At first my reason why i discover LOA was to attract my ex back, but then i discover what is important and i start to understand Abraham and all her answer to question if i can get my ex back. Answer is 100% yes. But when i start this journey, i didn't know who am i, and how much i am worth. I thought that i was nothing without her. But after some time i start looking in myself and realized that i am worth much more. More than i was before when i was with her. This don't mean that she lower my value, because i was the one who allow to lower my value just to be with her. And this is wrong. This is perfect plan to be unhappy. And i was unhappy. I had everything, but no happiness. So after 6 months i realized that i must attract him back. Yes, i must attract Leli back. And i start to do this. I start to be focused only on me. i didn't care what my parents said to me, i didn't care what my friends said to me, coworkers or anybody and i didn't care what she doing and what she think. I just start believe in myself and start to write new chapter. Some friends they just gone from my life, some people come to my life etc...Β 
Because i start to be focused on me and my feelings i did a lot. Few days ago my NLP mentor call me and ask me if he could use me for motivational example for other student... I did a lot of work, after i put all my focus on myself. Just few example what i did:
- finished 2 LOA certification at Joe Vitale academy
- I become NLP Coach at dr. Richard Bandler academy
- i become hypnotist at dr. Richard Bandler academy
- in two months i will finish NLP Life Coach at dr. Steve Jones Academy
- Next week i will finish past life regression at dr Steve Jones Academy
- after new year i will open 2 companys. One it will be in my country (Slovenia, Europe) and second it will be in USA.
- i have events where i am inspiration speaker
and other things.
So my life become crazy after i start focused only on me.

So how is going with my ex or ex's? All my ex girlfriends did come back, but for now i did't reconcile with any of thoose and i am single. Why, because i know my value and if some girl want to be with me she must match my level. If she don't or don't want, than i can say only thank you for everything and goodbye.Β 
For those who want ex back just believe that she or he is back and it will. My ex from 9 years ago ( we didn't speak 9 years and she is 9 years in relationship) come back in my life. We meet at supermarket and just start talking. After 3 or 4 meeting at drinks she start explain me how she still feel about me, and that she will broke with her boyfriend and left him their house and everything just to be with me. So don't loose hope and focus on yourself. LOA works

I love you all and i am grateful for this forum.
Have a nice day


10/08/2016 8:07 am  #2

Re: LOA work... He is back....

Waaau thank you so much for this positive post. And you started focused only to you. and dont imagined that you are with your ex? How much time it took for you to manifest this?


10/08/2016 9:34 am  #3

Re: LOA work... He is back....

I focused only on me. I write down what i want in my life. After i made list i look what i can do in next week, next month etc... And what i can did, i did. For all those things what i didn't have any idea how i just said that LOA will bring it to me... And that was all... I use visualization very only once or twice a month. Why? Because just visualization dont do anything. Feelings and your mood decide your future. So i focus on how i feel. And if i didnt feel good i change my toughts. That is all. Time depend only on you..

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10/08/2016 1:00 pm  #4

Re: LOA work... He is back....

Leli wrote:

I focused only on me. I write down what i want in my life. After i made list i look what i can do in next week, next month etc... And what i can did, i did. For all those things what i didn't have any idea how i just said that LOA will bring it to me... And that was all... I use visualization very only once or twice a month. Why? Because just visualization dont do anything. Feelings and your mood decide your future. So i focus on how i feel. And if i didnt feel good i change my toughts. That is all. Time depend only on you..

thank you for your when I will a positive and I dont will have a doubst etc so I can attract his come back in few days or months? when time depend only on me?


10/08/2016 1:03 pm  #5

Re: LOA work... He is back....

it can be in few days, weeks or months. Always but always depend on you. I can attract something in few minutes or i need month or two. everything just depend on you. You must know that you are 100% responsible for your life. So you must change, only you and he or she will be back. Now use your time to some self grow and maybe you will found that your ex is not enough for you and you want more or you will attract better partner because you become better

Last edited by Leli (10/08/2016 1:05 pm)

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10/10/2016 4:16 pm  #6

Re: LOA work... He is back....

Hi Leli, congratulations for your suces, your story is really inspiring me.

I like to work in myself too, but somethimes I feel like I don't know what to do or where is that suces that I want in my life.Β 

And also I like to be with the girl that I love, I really really love her so much and I know we will be togueter.Β 

If you have any advice for my I would apreciate and again, congratulations for your succes, it's incredible all you did.

Sorry if my english is not good.

Last edited by Kavik (10/10/2016 4:25 pm)


10/11/2016 4:13 am  #7

Re: LOA work... He is back....

in short i will explain how i did it.
- first thing first. You must understand and believe that you are 110% for what is going on in your life. Everything is just reflexion of your inner world. This is good, because you have power to change everything.
- second: forget about past. Put your past in past and be focus on present moment
- third: Understand who you are? Take paper, write down who you are, what you think about yourself. Ask your best friends and your family what they think about you, and through days analyze what you doing from that list.
- every day have some time for meditation, reading books about LOA, self-grow or some other technique, gratitude time. Basically educate yourself and search only for positive thing.Β 
- every day order what you want. You see happy couple and in your mind say i want more of this or that etc.
- write down your dream life but be specific about relationship, job, free time, house, money etc...
- Look what you can do to full fill all your dreams and then do it. you must know that LOA will help you if you believe that you already finish that task.
- cut of everybody who don't match your new personality, but you must understand that before you cut some of you must become better
- be with people who can inspire you, who will motivate you on your path
- you must know that all people around you are your reflexion of you
- if you don't like something about people, than ask yourself if you do the same
- enjoy every day, every second. Do some good work for others (remember karma, what you give you get)
This is basically all. I recommend you to hire some NLP coach or somebody who will help you. I have 3 coaches. One for self grow, one for business and one for time management.Β 
Focus on yourself. If you want more advice you can contact Veronica or you can PM me, and we will talk further.
I love you all, have a nice day

     Thread Starter

10/11/2016 11:40 am  #8

Re: LOA work... He is back....

Thank you Leli, your post help me so much, I will Β put it on practice Β 


1/28/2017 1:08 pm  #9

Re: LOA work... He is back....

This this is what my vibes high higher highest😘 I cant thank you enough for this post. I am feeling so positive i actually asked something from universe apart from love today first time. Thank you so much
Lots of love


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