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4/29/2016 12:21 pm  #11

Re: I did it because I can...

Happinessis wrote:

No I was not detached from the outcome
There was never really a point where I was like okay well if it doesn't work out its fine
The only thing I let go of was the hurt in the past!
I had nothing to loose in the sense of i saw this as my last option to try mend the relationship
I guess you can say do what makes you happy but to me i read that everywhere and I just didn't feel like that was so easy!
So I just took it day by day and if I felt okay watching series the whole day on a bad day then I would!
Look it took awhile to truly believe hence the ups and downs! In the beginning it feels unnatural but the more I wrote affirmations or sometimes I scripted I really saw my mind set change!
I was very interested in the law of attraction and watched many interesting things on YouTube that just opened up my mind and gave me excitement to think so much is possible!!!

I disagree about the detachment part. Detaching yourself from an outcome does not mean you let go of your desire to have it. It is not about getting to a point where you say if it happens, it happens, if it doesn't work out, whatever. That's not what it means. Detaching yourself is removing or eliminating or letting go of the all the tightly, curled, twisted negative emotions you have about your desire.

Take for instance I recently brought back a specific person into my life. I always, always knew that the day would come that I would find him. I just didn't expect it would take over 20 years to actually happen. The story behind this is a long one. I did search for him on Facebook years ago with no luck. I pictured myself hiring a private investigator to find since he lives all the way in Hong Kong. That's how I thought it would work out.

One night around 2 months ago I am minding my own business and he sends he a private message on Facebook. I was in total shock cause I already used that avenue to find him. Words are not enough to describe how I felt. Since the end of last year coming over into this year, I really have been getting into practicing The Law Of Attraction. The last six months of 2015 I went through a long forgiving process. And now this year miracle after miracle have been presenting themselves to me. Trust me I was in a real negative state of mind. I had to go all the way back into my childhood to forgive people and events and more importantly myself.

I wanted my desire of finding my friend still etched in my heart, I knew it would happen one day, however I was completely detached about it happening. And now it has come to past. The Universe had a better way than I did.

And congratulations on getting your wish fulfilled. It was lovely reading your story.


5/02/2016 5:17 pm  #12

Re: I did it because I can...

you may not see this since its been a couple of days, but this has given me such inspiration! thank you and congrats! I look forward to my progress story being written.Β 


5/05/2016 11:10 am  #13

Re: I did it because I can...

Ohhh I really like this one Happinessis...

There are no rules, you are the only one in your way. And once you get out of your own way its really simple.

Many of the LOA teachings and teachers may sound repetitive, and there guidelines may sound like rules. But it only serves a purpose to train your mind that you are the operant POWER. To really kick our butts from the old way of thinking to the new enlightened state.

And it is so so good that you did not listen to the people who told you, you can't. Infact, never knock the naysayers, because they were beneficial in getting you to where you are now. Like Neville always says, once you discover your "I AM" you will never judge another soul in this world, for everyone plays the part in delivering your desires.

So cheers to you love!!!


6/23/2016 7:24 pm  #14

Re: I did it because I can...

Happinessis wrote:

Honestly I searched for every way possible to fix that horrible feeling on bad days until I realized I just had to get through them.
On my really bad days I would just spend time alone Doing little things I enjoyed to distract my mind!
You are human and this is a tough road!! Especially because your grieving a loss at the same time!
But trust me when I say the bad days get few and far between as time goes on!!
I looked through success stories when I was down to try pull some motivation and I would focus on just getting through that day. The next morning I'd always wake up in a different frame of mind!
you need to find what works for you I found that keeping a book where I'd right 10 things I'm grateful in the morning
I'd write out an affirmation 15 times a day just because it gave me time to center myself
And before I slept I'd write 10 things I appreciated about my love
And I believed at first it was a little like what am I doing but let me you I went into this just saying I have nothing to loose by trying
And I gained everything I wanted and more

Hows it going now? I'm worried about the Up and down days. Now I'm feeling more than ever we have days coming back in my favor.

I am really happy to read this.

We are a family finally, there's nothing more beautiful than that.

6/23/2016 10:31 pm  #15

Re: I did it because I can...

this post gives me so much hope...

thank youΒ 

When you feel like negative emotions are taking over, "Breathe, Have Faith, Believe"Β 

10/10/2016 4:43 pm  #16

Re: I did it because I can...

Happinessis wrote:

Can you attract a specific person? Can you get your ex back? Is it possible?

Well I can tell you yes it is! And I know because I did it! Yes I did it!
Yes I read all the stories I saw all the no you can't posts! I saw all the people who failed tell you how it's not possible! I saw all the posts saying it's better not to! I saw all the people going off about the rules of loa like they were experts...
But you know why I succeeded and they didn't? Because I BELIEVED with every bone in my body!
I researched and I decided to see for myself then to listen to others who have failed or think they know what they are talking about!
Yes I did focus on myself because I needed to figure myself out to!
Yes I had bad days! I had down days because I needed to deal with the loss first but once I did and I was able to fully believe in what I wanted it came faster then I ever thought possible! I don't believe loa has any specific rules and regulations I believe people like to think they know what they are talking about! But one thing I've learned is we all have our own reality and what we believe we create! So if I believe I can get my ex back with no rules and limitations then I will! If you believe it's not allowed and it's not possible then it won't be!
It's actually truly that simple!
I don't care much for people on these forums who bash others and tell them their desires are not allowed!
Sorry to say but non of you lurking here are experts and your just talking from your experiences!! Just because that's how you created it doesn't mean that's how it is for everyone we all have different beliefs.
I gave it my all I did it my way and I had faith! Guess what!!! It worked! And no I'm not just a lucky one! It was not just by chance!
I did it because I believed I could and it was just that simple! No I did not just let go and happily carry on with life!
I held my desire close and made it a happy thing! And now I'm happier then ever!!

Hey! I'm so happy it's worked for you. My ex and I have been split up for about a month -  Was a mutual thing because of distance and the fact I don't have a job (just graduated). Everything was so hard and I look back now and see just how negative I was and how that attracted so much more negativity and just made things worse!

The breakup has been awful, because we both love each other and don't want it to end and love each other - we just couldn't see situations changing. Anyway... these last 5 weeks I've applied LOA and I honestly feel so much better with me. I am on track with my job, finally manafesting it... it seems to be falling into place  (cute) I'm so happy!

I've also been applying it to him. It feels right, because things never ended badly it just the right person, wrong time/situation. Anyway, we haven't had contact. It was mainly his idea as at first I was a mess and couldn't see past us breaking up and contacted him within three days (oops!) so when we last spoke he said 'we need this time apart to focus on ourselves.. give yourself three weeks and talk to me'. Well.. it's been 5 and I haven't felt the need. I have been so positive, whenever I've thought about contacting him I just have that gut feeling like 'no' because I know it's not the right time.

I've currently got a job lined up that might mean I'll move only 30 mins from him (perfect and totally unplanned) and I've thought about telling him but then I'm like 'no,it's not set in stone and this is for you.. everything will work out' - However when you referred to not sticking to the strict rules I wondered if you meant the no contact?

It's only because when we last spoke I was so upset I said I couldn't have him in my life as a friend, and that I'd have to completely remove him. This crushed him and he said it would then be my choice to initiate contact when I wanted as he didn't want to upset me... but obviously LOA says 'no contact from you.. wait'.

I'm just stuck with that. So far I have had that gut feeling of no whenever I've considered it because I know my vibrations were down and I wasn't as confident. And I know I want a better relationship with him where I have no doubts about my job or him, and when I'm as confident as I was when we first got together. Is it okay for me to initiate contact? Especially as we broke up on mutual grounds? 

It's so hard! The last few days I've been so positive and every thought and visualisation I have is so positive and loving with him. I wasn't sure if you really had to stick to the rule of no contact from you?

I haven't blocked him on social media, I've restricted what I can see of him and within the last day I've just decided as a whole to give social media a break as I find it so tempting to look at his stuff or I see negative comments about relationships and I just don't like it - I decided that would definitely help in lifting my vibrations and help me maintain positive thoughts of him!

Anyway, any help or advice would be much appreciated. I'm honestly really enjoying loa and I'm so happy and proud of myself for focusing on me, my happiness and this job. He is just the added bonus hehe! He's amazing. It's just whether if I feel it's okay to contact him, whether I should?

Thank you lovelies  (love)


10/10/2016 7:37 pm  #17

Re: I did it because I can...

Congrats! You deserve all the happiness in the world !


10/10/2016 7:40 pm  #18

Re: I did it because I can...

I was literally just thinking about this post yesterday .....then came on today to see it resurrected about instant manifestation....

'What We Think, We Become' -Buddha

10/15/2016 5:39 pm  #19

Re: I did it because I can...

This is amazing

We recieve exactly what we expect to recieve. - John Holland.Β Β 

10/20/2016 11:38 am  #20

Re: I did it because I can...

Thank you for your post! I am so happy for you. I know it will be the same for me!


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