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9/23/2016 5:33 pm  #1

Motivation to keep going :)

Dear all,
I must share with you my essie-nailpolish manifestation! Because it's so much fun!
On september 13, I decided I wanted the essie nailpolish nr. 57. I loveee essie and I visualised receiving that one and I wanted to "test" the loa.
Well, a few days later I texted with a good male friend and I sent him a screenshot of my desired nailpolish just for fun saying thaT it is a nice one. Today, I had many problems in the driving school and told him how frustrated I was. Somehow, he bought me that exact nailpolish nr 57 to cheer me up! I sort of forgot about that nailpolish yet I manifested it within 11 days ;-)

I'm really amused and happy about it :-).and it makes me feel motivated to believe in my ability to attract my boy!
Let me know some of your synchronicity storys so that we can motivate each other!

She believed she could, so she did.

9/29/2016 2:07 pm  #2

Re: Motivation to keep going :)

So cute!! When little things like that happens it just motivates you to continue !! Good job!Β 


9/30/2016 5:24 pm  #3

Re: Motivation to keep going :)

Amazing, I like to test LOA too :DΒ 


10/01/2016 6:01 am  #4

Re: Motivation to keep going :)

So crazy :D
My ex boyfriend brought me that exact essie nailpolish as well!!
So I have two ones of nr 57! And the other guy who bought me the essie nailpolish in the first place. Bought me another one!!! I manifested 3 essie nailpolishs!!!
Haha. So nice. Normally I do not accept gifts from guys but I could not help it because it gave me so much joy because I know it is because I consciously attracted the essie nailpolishs,so they were for me ;-)

She believed she could, so she did.
     Thread Starter

10/01/2016 1:42 pm  #5

Re: Motivation to keep going :)

Something small happened today for me, needed money for a bus ticket into the city to spend the day with a friend and his partner, I'm a little bit short of money until the middle of the coming week, so I visualised finding money, instead of finding the money for the bus ticket I walked into my mother on the way out of the house who gave me her ticket, so that was pretty cool.Β 

It Is Not What Happens To You, It Is How You Respond To It.Β 

10/01/2016 2:06 pm  #6

Re: Motivation to keep going :)

Haha good story It's quite fun 'testing' it. Manifesting small things really does give a boost

We recieve exactly what we expect to recieve. - John Holland.Β Β 

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