I asked the universe for a specific sign to show me I was on the right track, I asked to hear The Beatles song "Let It Be", it's my all time favourite song and it helps me so much better, while I was on YouTube a cover of the song popped up in my suggestion feed and the name of the artist shares the same name as my love.
It didn't show itself as I thought it would but that's put me in such an elated mood for the day I was originally dreading. The universe never misses a trick. <3Β
I do the same.things many times...ask universe a sign to tell me if I am.on the right path...and also to manifest small small things
It just happens and so my faith in loa just keeps growing day by day
M sure soon I wud become a manifesting monster ..haha...π
Thnx for sharing this...I thought it's just me.who does such things π
Soon to happen me and him together
It's a good little practice and it's always nice to know you're on the right path. Carry on believing and you'll be a master at manifesting. <3Β
I see 1111, 2222, 222, 111 and series of such nos. The whole day and night. I thank God each time I see these. I become so happy. Also I know trust let everything happen, because everything is happening for a reason. Let's not put roadblocks of emotions in front of our manifestations.