A conversation I've been having a bit on here recently with people like Sanshi have been about exs coming back when we don't want them anymore. I told a story about how someone I wanted years ago who became just a friend, came onto me a few days ago and it was awkward and weird because I didn't want him like that anymore and I regret kissing him. I only kissed him because of that memory of thinking I wanted to kiss him, but I haven't wanted him like that for many years so needless to say, it didn't blow my mind or make me jump for joy. But to be fair, I wanted him at a time and place in my life where I was looking for nice boys with blonde hair and nice faces while now, I'm looking for more depth. I actually have attracted him before to kiss me over the past couple of years, but it's never been quite right. But I can't deny the fact that I actually got him where I wanted him after all these years. I knew I would and I did and that right there is a perfect manifestation. But I never TRULY wanted him because I didn't know him at all when I first set my desire, I just knew his face. But..since I was 10 years old I've wanted to work in movies. I've had that desire for 13 years and just right now, I've signed up to be an extra in tv and films and I am excited. I'm happy about it, I want it and now I'm getting it and I've wanted it in the back of my mind for a long time. So those are two examples of how you can get what you don't really want and get what you want if you hold onto that desire at the back, not front, of your mind and just have that little positive ambition for it. One day, you will suddenly get the urge to just go for it. You will feel ready. You will feel the time occuring and you will know what to do. You will go for things you wanted and decide you no longer want them, but if you hold that desire, you will still make the action you need to do to get it. You will become more confident about it. The thought of it will become less daunting and less intimidating. You will nearly out-grow the desire, it will just become something that makes sense, that's the next step. You will take 'risks' that aren't risks to get it because if I don't get a role on a tv programme, I won't feel crushed or very disappointed as I would have when I was 10. If that boy didn't kiss me back the first time I went to kiss him 4 years ago, I wouldn't have cried a river and ran away with embarrassment. You get to the point where you realise if you don't take action, you'll lose your enthusiasm for your desire entirely and it will become a 'I remember when I used to fancy that boy....' You will get exs coming back and you won't jump with excitement, you'll just smile to yourself. Maybe you might go and meet them, maybe you won't. But if the desire is something you thought you really wanted and when you get it, you don't, then you never really wanted it BUT you always believed you would just get it. If the desire is something you really wanted and you don't get it, you never believed you would get it and/or you never really wanted it. If the desire is something you actually really want and you get it and you take it, then you basically won the whole game haha. But it can't be at the front of your mind, it must be at the back. But it must be active in the back of your mind and it must be something you nearly feel you're 'over' or 'grown out of' or 'better than' you can never think you'll never get it because 'it's a fantasy' or 'it just won't happen so who cares'. That just keeps it buzzing in your back of your mind but doesn't get it to manifest. Even if you want a castle, you actually have to get to a point where you nearly think you'd prefer a beach house or maybe a small flat in the centre of New York. You have to over come the 'bigness' of it and think bigger or differently.Β
If you want your ex or a person, you actually have to start finding ways to think you can get better than them. You have to see things in them that bring them down, like their bad taste in music or their bland sense of humour or their attention seeking behaviours. You have to see those flaws and then think of things you might prefer. Maybe they're too short, too popular, too quiet, too nerdy, too actually have to start thinking bigger than them. Then you get them coming along and better, you get to view them as they really are. People generally don't get their exs back when they're still crazy in love. You have to stop caring about what they think of you. Stop worrying about what they might think if you did that or said that or looked like that. You need to walk down the street and actually realise that you're a lot cooler than your ex or person really. You're probably cooler than most people really. You don't need to care about what most people think because you're cool just doing your thing. Maybe become even cooler to yourself so that you have a firm sense of validation from you.Β
So yeah, you can still want them when they come, but you won't want them as much as you did and that's probably for the best.Β
thanks! this is great and i really get what you mean. it bothers me a little that i still attract a lot of what i don't want but eh, working on it! (being aware helps volumes!!!).
fun fact: i also always wanted to be in movies, but mostly on tv. it's on my bucket list to work as an extra. (no, really!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
ShootingStar wrote:
. Even if you want a castle, you actually have to get to a point where you nearly think you'd prefer a beach house or maybe a small flat in the centre of New York. You have to over come the 'bigness' of it and think bigger or differently.Β Β
The problem with this approach, IMO, is that it ends up being a repeating cycle of cat and mouse. Even if the castle comes along because you want to live in NY but decide to stay in the castle, eventually you'll get comfortable and will want to unpack your things. However, the only reason you got the castle was because you didn't want to be there, now you do want to be there... so it goes away!!
While its important to accept that you can be happy in a castle or apt in NYC or even sleeping under the bridge... why attract things that want to be with you only when you don't want to be with them? Obv there's a BIG difference between telling your ex that you've named your future children already and picked out a wedding dress and having them, understandably, freak out and being very authentic, self respecting and honest and saying "hey, I still have feelings for you and want to see if things work out... but I'm ok if they don't" and having them freak out. If the guy freaks out in the second scenario, but is ok hanging out with you as long as you are perfectly detached, laid back and emotionally disconnected, what is the use of this man? He's not there because he loves and values and respects you... he's there because he's into you until you are into him. And cue on and off relationship.Β
redgreenyellow wrote:
ShootingStar wrote:
. Even if you want a castle, you actually have to get to a point where you nearly think you'd prefer a beach house or maybe a small flat in the centre of New York. You have to over come the 'bigness' of it and think bigger or differently.Β Β
The problem with this approach, IMO, is that it ends up being a repeating cycle of cat and mouse. Even if the castle comes along because you want to live in NY but decide to stay in the castle, eventually you'll get comfortable and will want to unpack your things. However, the only reason you got the castle was because you didn't want to be there, now you do want to be there... so it goes away!!
While its important to accept that you can be happy in a castle or apt in NYC or even sleeping under the bridge... why attract things that want to be with you only when you don't want to be with them? Obv there's a BIG difference between telling your ex that you've named your future children already and picked out a wedding dress and having them, understandably, freak out and being very authentic, self respecting and honest and saying "hey, I still have feelings for you and want to see if things work out... but I'm ok if they don't" and having them freak out. If the guy freaks out in the second scenario, but is ok hanging out with you as long as you are perfectly detached, laid back and emotionally disconnected, what is the use of this man? He's not there because he loves and values and respects you... he's there because he's into you until you are into him. And cue on and off relationship.Β
Well people like people who value themselves above them. So I would feel attracted to a man who cares more about his own happiness than being with me. So that's where you begin the relationship. If you still have feelings for someone, then you will be happy being with them (probably) but when you are detached, you won't fall to pieces when they don't seem to call you back after an hour or have a heart attack when you see them talking to a girl from their work place. That understanding of 'if he cares about me, he will show it, and I will be happy with that, but if he doesn't care, he won't show it, and I will be ok if I move on'. Only people with bad self esteem don't like people who show interest in them even when they liked that person before they liked them. If that happens, then you know it was just about the chase and you will be ok with moving on too. Saying 'I like you pretty much, let's see how this goes' is ten times more appealing than 'I can't live without you'. The latter statement said is more romantic, it might get a person to take notice and to feel flattered but in practice, it's suffocating and awful. We want people to say 'you are my world' and 'I love you so much and my world will stop if you leave' because we want our egos to be fed and we want those romantic moments and our hearts to flutter, but on a daily basis, we feel happier with someone who is happy with themselves and won't fall to pieces without us. No one likes to feel pressured to be someone's whole happiness.Β
Therefore, when an ex comes back and you say 'I still have feelings for you, want to see if we can do this one more time?' instead of 'I'm so happy you came back, I love you! I've always loved you! I've been miserable without you!' then you will be in a much better position to win back their attraction AND respect. Also if your ex does come back to you while you are still genuinely feeling your world will collapse without them (which we all go through feeling) then it is likely that that ex is coming back to you just to feed their current loneliness or low self esteem because your vibe is too desperate to attract them back in a genuine way. This happens a lot, exs come back sometimes very soon after a break up because they know they can and they're a bit scared of the real world and feeling a bit lonely, but then they tend to quickly get bored of the other person's suffocating love and leave again.Β
Like attracts like....if you are in a desperate and needy place, you will attract people who are also on a low end of the self esteem scale until they climb up the scale using your attention as their fuel and then leave you.Β
Like attracts like....if you are in a desperate and needy place, you will attract people who are also on a low end of the self esteem scale until they climb up the scale using your attention as their fuel and then leave you.Β
wow! this says so much!!!!!!!! i hope everyone learns this! i am, myself...
ShootingStar wrote:
But it can't be at the front of your mind, it must be at the back. But it must be active in the back of your mind and it must be something you nearly feel you're 'over' or 'grown out of' or 'better than' you can never think you'll never get it because 'it's a fantasy' or 'it just won't happen so who cares'.
I have to disagree on that, because my experience taught me otherwise. I had two (for me) big manifestations that were in the front of my mind most of the time and it still manifested. But when it comes to an ex/specific person, I fully agree with you. It doesn't help to think about them all the time, because most of the thoughts aren't as positive as people think they are. For me, it's much easier to feel positive about a university place or an apartment (that were the two big ones), because there a plenty of it or if not plenty, at least more than one. We are taught to think in probabilities, and chances to get something that is limited to one exemplar seems to be much less than a thing that is avaible in many different forms.
The idea of it being at the back of your mind is actually basically the idea of letting go really.... but if you can have a very positive vibration towards your manifestation then it works to have it in the front of your mind You were also under a time limit to get those manifestations so they naturally were at the front of your mind because you were thinking about them and how you want them to happen soon so you were in full focus and motivated and determined and little resistance so I think that's why they fell into place so nicely Β
ShootingStar wrote:
The idea of it being at the back of your mind is actually basically the idea of letting go really.... but if you can have a very positive vibration towards your manifestation then it works to have it in the front of your mind You were also under a time limit to get those manifestations so they naturally were at the front of your mind because you were thinking about them and how you want them to happen soon so you were in full focus and motivated and determined and little resistance so I think that's why they fell into place so nicely Β
You are right, I had time limits both times, but I still had a lot of resistance going on, at least at some point. I'm still trying to figure that out. I think with the apartment it happened, when I finally accepted where I was at that point and didn't longer try hard to change the situation. I had a lot of doubt about the university place in the beginning, but after a while I thought something like "Well, I don't have anything to lose and if I don't get a place, I can try again next year", so in a sense, I accepted my situation here as well. Maybe that's the key. Most people fight hard against not being with their person. They act as if and deny their situation. I think I finally understand what they mean by being okay with not being with the person. It's not that one should accept that it might not happen. It's about accepting the Now as it is.
Hey guys I have a question. Talking about front of mind, I've been doing front of mind purposefully and not purposefully for months now. Even when I try to "take a break" from manifesting, she pops into my head or I can hear her voice telling me things. I smile every time or I get this really good feeling inside that I don't want to let go of, but I eventually have to so I can get on with my day. Now as long as I've been doing LOA, I've apparently manifested a new office space for my business without even trying. Just got the news today. Good thing by the way. But when it comes to my girl, I feel torn between initiating contact or continuing on with LOA. I'd like for her to reach out to me. I want her to reach out to me. Where my hiccup is in the how. And I know we're not supposed to focus on the HOW just the WHAT and WHY. I got it. But given my situation, I'm a little confused. Plus I listened to Veronica's Day 11 today and she specifically says NOT to contact them. So again, more confusion. Here's what I've got. I had asked for someone to intercede for me with her. Almost out of the blue, an old friend sends a FB friend request. I talk to her and tell her my situation. She tells me she's happy to help me out any way she can. Cool! So now I have someone willing to step in for me where I can't. Then I find someone, that my girl knows very well from her hometown, online. So now there's someone else that can intercede for her. The way I think of it, it's like we each have an angel there for each of us. I just have to have the angels talk to each other about the situation and see if she would be willing to give us a second chance. Keep in mind this is VERY LONG DISTANCE.
Ok, my thoughts on this is that this is where the universe has lead me to and it could definitely work in this situation. Then my mind hears Abraham saying Take the Path of Least Resistance and Flow Downstream, not upstream. Well, I mean it could be downstream in the sense that I don't have to really do anything because I have two other people delivering my message for me. At the same time, I find myself asking, "Well would it also be downstream for me to go directly to her friend? Or if that's the case, why not go directly to her?" But I don't want to mess up the vibe of her reaching out to me because I don't want to mess up what's happening for her on her side. Like Veronica says, the universe will send people into her life that remind her of me or say something that reminds her of me or something. PLUS, there's the Quantum Physics side of this, where the thoughts and feelings I'm having and sending out to her, she's already simultaneously receiving them instantaneously (See "I AM" the movie and "The Living Matrix"). Β So I'm confused about where to go from here and what message I'm getting. I want her to be my Best Friend, Lover and My Wife but right now I'd be happy to just start talking again as friends and take it slow. Add to this nice little bag of nuts, I "called in reinforcements" to pray for us as well.
Can I get a little guidance or some ideas here of what's happening or where to go, what to do next?
Very much appreciated