Hey guys! So I just realized one of my past desires has been manifested but sadly I don't want it anymore haha. It's not like I don't want it I just don't care or mind anymore. Anyway, last semester I had a huge crush more like attraction to this guy I saw. I would see him around the halls and whatnot and I thought "ugh I really want class with him next year" "I wanna get to know him" and I would constantly just obsess over that thought. But eventually I moved on. I walk into my class for the new school year and BAM! He's in my class. I was like "uhhh??" I went home and thought about it and realized this was something I wanted. He sits next to me too, hopefully the getting to know him will come around too ;)
Last edited by Aisha (9/10/2016 1:15 am)
These type of things are amazing, it gives you confidence for the stuff you really want