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8/29/2016 9:00 am  #1

Cherished and other successful forum members...

Can you tell us about your stories?
Some of us are in need of encouragement to keep going.
Thanks! 😊


8/29/2016 7:31 pm  #2

Re: Cherished and other successful forum members...

Downstream wrote:

Here are some of my most recent "big" manifestations.

*Earlier this year I walked through some fairgrounds near my home with a friend and I reminisced about how I previously saw my favorite band there twice before. I remembered it lovingly though the band had since lost a main member and I doubted I'd see them live again. But a few weeks later my friend texted me to let me know that the band found an awesome replacement member, announced a tour (they hadn't toured since 2011!), and was releasing a new album. I looked up their tour dates and discovered they booked the venue at those same fairgrounds, and the show happened to be scheduled four days after the new album dropped. Not only that, but my friend scored us VIP tickets, so I got to watch them up close and personal do their sound check before the show!

*A couple weeks ago I had three old friends from high school come back into my life wanting to see me. Two of them I hadn't seen in 5 years (since graduation) and the other I hadn't seen in probably 2 years. All of them I hadn't spoken to in over 6 months. I must have released a lot of resistance that week because they randomly popped back into my reality within a 6 day period. All of them are male and all of them previously had a crush on me at one point or another throughout our friendship. They all now consistently text me or Snapchat me.

*I've been in school for 2 years and there's one class I need to graduate that I have a lot of trouble with. I have enrolled and dropped it twice because the work was too time consuming. The second time I dropped it, my professor offered to let me complete the school work over the summer and he would still pass me. However, I was lazy and irresponsible this summer and didn't do any of it. I logged onto the website and discovered that all the info about the assignments had been taken down. I thought to myself, "Oh well, I missed the deadline. Universe, please either make the teacher give me more time, or figure something else out!" And I forgot about it. Well, today is the first day of my fall semester and my teacher came up to me, and was extremely understanding, and told me that I could have the entire fall semester to complete the summer work I didn't do! How crazy is that?     


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