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8/29/2016 6:09 pm  #1

My success story (I do NOT have my person back)

Hey, guys! Hope all is well. So, my success story is this:
I came to this forum a few months back to learn how to use LoA to bring my person back. This is after I found out that this rocky fight to bring "us" back to where we once were ended on Valentine's Day. Heartbreaking and devastating to say the least. And through these several months of doing all the techniques, reading Veronica's e-books, youtube videos, etc. my mentality has shifted to a place that I never really knew I could've gotten to. It's like this: you want love? Be like love. Kind, patient, forgiving, smile a lot more, be grateful. Anyway, here's what happened. A few days ago I posted how I discovered that my specific person was still seeing this other guy. Which hurt a bit, then I realized they were in a place that we planned to go to one day. Which hurt some more. But, even though there was a bit of pain...the suffering is how I knew I have grown as a person. The suffering was minimal; I didn't hang on it, it didn't ruin my day, I didn't try to drink the pain away. I felt okay. Because I started patting myself on the back these days. I give myself props for not falling into the old bad habits that I used to. Look, I know a lot of us are here to attract someone back into our lives, but for me, the most important person to bring into my life was the greatest version of me that I can be. Cuz this version of me is better than whatever version of her.
And I started thinking, I know I manifested the end of our "relationship". The fears, the worries, the insecurities, etc. But, I keep forgetting that she ended it, saying she "wasn't ready". Maybe we were both at a low vibe at the time. Maybe it's better than I manifest that, because I manifested this forum and hence manifested this version of me which, quite frankly, I have no idea I would ever become without the heartbreaking incident. And I also realize now, after spending time with my pain, that this hurtΒ  and resistance that I feel so much toward bringing her back isn't me thinking it's not possible. It's sympathy. It's sadness felt toward the two versions of us at the time that their relationship died and didn't work (at the time).Β  I feel like crying seeing that they did not have a success story bcause their vibe was low. See, from up here, where I'm at now, I can't help but feel bad or sorry for our old selves. It woulda been beautiful. But, a rose did grow from the concrete. I didn't get the old me back (fortunately). I got a new me. And I got the pedestal back. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is, this is my success story. Definitely not what I thought it was gonna be, but I am super glad it is this. That said, I won't be checking this forum as often, or very much at all tbh. I think I got this. But, if anyone needs help, lemme know. I kinda rushed this sorry, I'm running late for school. Peace and love, y'all!

Never Lose Your Humor.

8/29/2016 6:18 pm  #2

Re: My success story (I do NOT have my person back)

So you got your person back, but it was someone else than you thought - you.
It's always good to read those stories. Thanks for sharing.

"Self-abandonment. That is the secret. We have to abandon ourselves to the state, in our love for the state, and in so doing live the life of the state and no more our present state. And to make the state alive, one must become it."

Neville Goddard ~ The Law and the Promise

8/30/2016 12:38 am  #3

Re: My success story (I do NOT have my person back)

It's so funny. I can go through my life now, enjoying the stars, having fun and all that good stuff and not think, "Damn, I wish she was here." And then feel this limited enjoyment that's capped off by the boundary between having fun and the fun I could allow myself to have in her absence. It's so freeing, guys. When I let myself have these possibilities without setting a restriction on myself.  But don't get me mistaken. I love her. And I probably always will for giving me the great time that I had with her. I love her to death. But I also love and respect what I deserve more. Notice how I haven't called her "my love" recently. I love her still. Just not in the same way right now. And I'm not letting go of her because I've given up on LoA or attracting her back. Actually, from what I've understood in these past few months about LoA, this is actually the receptive mode where I'm open to her return. But, I deserve the best. And I'm gonna get the best. If that's her, come and meet me at my vibration, baby. If not, someone will eventually. Who knows? Maybe one day she'll discover this forum, looking for "the one that got away": me. And she'll see this and think: "Wouldn't it be nice if I raise my vibe and we get another chance?" Food for thought maybe. BUT, MY BIGGEST ADVICE: IT'S ALL YOU, MY LOVES. GO OUT AND BE YOURSELF. Cannot emphasize that enough. BE HAPPY. IT IS AS EASY AS IT IS SIMPLE.

Never Lose Your Humor.
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