Hi everone! First of all sorry for my english, its not my first language. I want to share my success story with you because I am soo happy now. It just happened!Β
This winter, I met a guy who was so amazing for me. He was literally everything I have ever wanted. I had so much fun with him. He was real gentleman, smart, handsome, funny. I got insecure about him very fast. I was overanalyzing every text, every emoji and was really afraid that i will screw it up. So I did, of course. He got sick, so I didnt see him for over a month and then he told me that he has some family problems and doesn't have time for girlfriend. Thats how our contact ended.
I got so desperate about it. I used loa before to manifest things or money, which worked perfectly, but I just couldn't manifest him. And more angry I was, it was just getting worse. I decided to take some time for me and try to become that girl he liked again. I tried some new things, enjoyed time with my friends and myself. Then, after about a month, I started with loa again. I visualized our relationship, did RS and also read our old messages over and over because it made me really happy. I even talked about him as about my future husband and was really sure about it.
Few days ago, my friends and even my mother started encouraging me to contact him again, so I did. I just said hello and asked how he was doing. He was so nice to me. I was really surprised because he really seems like he wants to talk. He even remember our inside jokes, which is surprising because we were going out for less than a month and it was half a year before. He told me, that he would like to meet again as soon as possible.
So please, just don't give up, believe in yourself and believe in universe. Its amazing!
Last edited by girlinlove (8/16/2016 3:52 pm)
Wow, that's amazing. Thanks for sharing with us. Sounds exactly like my story, just that my story has no happy ending or let's say a different happy ending, but maybe it's not the ending yet. But somehow or other it's happy.
Awesome :DΒ
It seems as though you did the right thing by working on becoming centered and happy by yourself then going into seeing yourself with him and becoming used to the idea of having a relationship with him. Your friends and mum telling you to contact him was definitely also a kick from the universe on helping you along your path to reconciling Just keep up that vibration and remain calm and positive with the idea that it will all work out perfectly and you can take your time because there is no rush
It seems as if you are ready for him and he is now going to be more receptive towards you because of your vibe
Came across this thread and I'm glad I did! Great story love it!!
Awwww, so lovely!
Wonderful very encouraging