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8/20/2016 8:10 pm  #1

Specifically manifested another person

This one was a near hit and miss, but I got him. This was a guy I briefly dated last December but it was a car crash and I don't fancy Β him but we left it on bad terms and he was actually the one to cut contact which kind of hurt my ego a bit and we haven't been on talking terms for a few months. We had awful rows and it was all messy messy. Anyway, two days ago, I saw him but didn't approach. I decided then I was going to have him back interested in me just to see if I could really do this specific manifesting thing. Last night, I went out to a party and I knew he'd be there but I knew he'd be there with literally all of his friends so it wouldn't be easy, plus he's quite a cold guy, not the 'forgive and forget' type. I went out, looking as best as I could, started mingling having fun and forgot about him. Then he arrived, saw him and thought 'ok lets do this!' and I approached him. First approach went poorly, I was smiling and saying hello, he wasn't too interested so I backed off. Forgot about it, didn't let it get me down, I didn't care too much. Later, I decided to try again. Approached, try to tell him I missed him and was sorry for some of the things I said and blah blah, it was ok but he wasn't very receptive so I backed off again. Saw him dancing, tried to dance next to him, but he didn't really seem to care. Basically, it just seemed like he wasn't into any of it and I was kicking a dead horse. I started getting a bit down about being ignored and sort of rejected so I decided to just leave it and spent the rest of the time talking to other people. He left without saying goodbye to me, which I did notice, but I just let it go. Whatever.Β 
Well, today, I got a facebook message from him (we're not facebook friends) ;) 'Hey, when did you unblock me?' it says, though I haven't replied yet.Β 
So, even though all my actions were not totally the best, I think I still got his interest back just by deciding to stay in the vortex and abandon the mission that wasn't working out for me and by not letting it get to me. He's a very proud guy, so I know the fact that he did send me that message is his sign of showing interest but I'm not interested in him. So that's that story! Even from the messiest of messiest endings and relationships, there can be a chance of rekindling if you just manage to focus specifically on the outcome and take some action from within the vortex and stay on a good vibe !

'What We Think, We Become' -Buddha

8/20/2016 9:11 pm  #2

Re: Specifically manifested another person

Great story! Really helped me realize to stay focused on my outcome thankss

Going with life's flow ✨

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