So my vibration levels have been good and I am getting on with life and very happy with life. I am good friends with my ex even though he is seeing someone, which I don't care about because I know when the time is right I will manifest him. I have been manifesting texts from him every now and then but when I do I sort of play games, like I wont reply straight away maybe 2 days later orr 8 hours later. I dont know how to go about it, as I dont want him to think I reply straight away and I also want to play it cool. Also when I get a msg from him, my response is always thought out and sometimes I gets scared about the response I may receive back. How can I change my energy around this? Like I get very happy when I see the name pop up and know that the universe has given this to me because I created it, but then I get these weird butterflies too. Any help please?
Maybe I'm wrong but it sounds to me as if you are happy in general, but your vibration when you think about this guy is still in a not so good place, else you wouldn't have this "weird butterflies". What kind of feeling are these butterflies? A little fear? Worry? Doubt that it will go the way you want it?
Playing games doesn't help, because he response to your vibration and not to your actual message. Try to feel better about the topic and go with your intuition instead of following some strange "what guys really want" experts.
Yh I am happy in general, I get really happy when I see the text because I know I have attracted it, but I think I also fear that he may say something horrible to me, or the conversation wont flow much and I will feel like a idiot because I am giving long replies and he is giving short replies. He also does not always reply instantly hence I do not want to seem so keen as well!
firefly07 wrote:
Yh I am happy in general, I get really happy when I see the text because I know I have attracted it, but I think I also fear that he may say something horrible to me, or the conversation wont flow much and I will feel like a idiot because I am giving long replies and he is giving short replies. He also does not always reply instantly hence I do not want to seem so keen as well!
So that means you are a happy creator until he texts you, and then you get so afraid that you fall back to being a reactor.
I understand what you are saying and from a non-LoA perspective I would do the same, but manipulation (not replying instantly to put some thoughts in his head is manipulation basically) and LoA don't fit together. You can't compensate your fear with action. You have to work on your vibration first.
How should I go about this situation, do you think I should learnt to keep my vibrations high when he does text me and just reply as normal without over thinking the whole process?
I can't tell you what the right thing to DO is. You have a guidance who always tells you what is a good idea to do and what isn't. Working on your vibration is always the first and most important step. And then watch what happens, when he texts you. Maybe you just don't feel like replying. So you take a few hours until you reply, but not to play games, but because it feels better to you. Do you see the difference? It's the same action, but the thoughts and feelings in the background are totally differently. If you feel like replying immediately, do that. Listen to your feelings.
I like that at lot! Thank youuuu! makes more sense
First thing, Good on you for being a bad ass manifestor!!
Secondly, you manifested the text, you will also manifest the vibration of fear, games and all that stuff. Be who you truly see yourself to be, then it doesn't matter what you say or do or think. Because you are who you desire to be. SO acting from that state, you will always get the reflection. It doesn't matter if youre happy, sad, mad, glad...if you believe you are the person who is with him, then there is nothing you can do now to mess this up.
Thanks I totally agree, in the past when I have been myself we have had better conversations!