My Ex and I had a good relationship for a year, then he moved out of country and moved back. I don't know if I want him back actually if he is still as crappy as he has been the last few months. Yes, I own I was needy and controlling and he just got worse... But maybe this is just him? And that's my question, I do want him back if he comes back and is there for me but I don't if he is a craphead.
I sent a total grenade Saturday, an ice paragraph of all the things he has done the last 2 months. At first it felt good to stand up for myself, then today,trying to online date again...only one day... I am like, maybe we can try.. But he is super avoidant, and I am anxious. He will not contact me. My plan is to do the Challenge, let go..this is not too bad, since I put up with way too much at the end and should have faded instead of throwing the grenade, but no, I just couldn't...
Question, I unblocked him, he can se that on Facebook I guess.. I am not at all concerned or hopeful he will reach out, he won't, his pride far outweighs my questions, how do I practice gratitude on him/ visualization when I still have anger...not just at him, at myself for being so reactive? How do I accept his actions and more importantly mine? I do love him, just right now I want answers he won't give... Please help,thanks so much!
So you aren't even sure, if you want him back or not? If that's the case, I would take some time to heal and go for a new guy. Attracting a person back is one of the hardest things to do with LoA and it can be extremely draining. Chances are that you only prolong your suffering. In my opinion, you have to heal to attract someone back anyway. So maybe take the time to heal and think again, if you want him back or not.
Thank you Sanshi, I was figuring/ attracting that;-) I think it is great advice. I am unsure. That is why the 25 day stuff feels faked for me at this point, i am still angry, in general, at him yes, at me for staying so long. Perhaps I'll just put him away for awhile and focus on me. I practice LOA and it felt so weird Saturday, when I had been sending love, good energy, good feelings, but I see now, I snapped because I didn't get the response I wanted, or at least fast enough, and I do know this is the opposite of good energy. I appreciate your comment and helping me feel my way through this!
I'm happy it helped. It was not quite the answer most people want to hear, but I think it's a good sign that you are open to it.
Everything will become clearer with time. You will see his actions in a different light und you will feel different about him. It may be that you decide to attract him back or that you see that he is just an idiot who isn't worth it. I personally believe that you can change a person or rather the way they see you and interact with you. And I think that every person just react to your vibration, but that doesn't mean that it's easy to change the patterns you have going on for a while now. In most cases, it's better to learn your lesson and concentrate on you, so that you can heal quickly. I know that it takes time to get over all those emotions, but when you are at the point that you can say you are over the breakup (and you decide you don't want him anymore) you can do something that's very fun. You can start to think about all the things you didn't like about this guy. Like Abraham says: when you know what you don't want, you know what you do want. And now you can attract a guy who has all the good qualities of your ex and the opposite of your ex's bad ones. So you can create a 2.0 version of your ex. That's so much fun.