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7/25/2016 1:58 pm  #1

Lost my J.O.B.

Putting this under success stories, because I truly believe this is a success story.

So I lost my job last week. I had been working there for nine months and it was one of the first things I attracted after consciously learning about LOA. My boss basically told me I was no longer a good fit for the job.

I was upset at first, naturally, because I enjoyed the work I was doing, the people I was working with and the money I was getting. I've really been building an awesome life for myself this past year and I always viewed my job as a big part of that. So losing it felt like a bit of a negative blow.

But I bounced back quickly. For the couple months the monkey mind part of me that still exists has been thinking "what if you get fired?" here and there. I kept trying to shut it up because obviously I know thoughts become reality, but yet I still kept thinking that I was going to get fired. Then lo and behold it actually happened!

This is probably the biggest thing I've ever manifested, which sucks that it was something ostensibly negative (I'll get back to that in a minute), but it's awesome because it helps show my sub.con that if I can make something negative like this happen, imagine all the good I can do if I employ the same strategy but with positive things.

Now I said "ostensibly negative" because obviously something like this first appears that way, and I had to frame it that way for the sake of explaining it in this post--but I see now that this is a blessing in disguise.

1. I think as I've been raising my vibration the past few months I eventually became no longer a match for this place. There were a lot of negative people and things there and maybe vibrationally I was just no longer in alignment with it. The same thing that happens with exes and whatnot. Except I have no desire to go back there.

2. Out of destruction comes a chance to build something new and better. Especially now that I've become even more adept at using LOA. I'm actually really excited for what the future has in store for me. I've never used LOA for money or career growth, so this is a good opportunity to experiment with that side of things. Obviously I've heard success stories and read articles, but I've never put it into practice myself. I just sort of settled with my old job, but now's my chance to really attract something awesome!

Moral of the story: LOA ******* works, for better or for worse. But it's always for better, because even when it seems worse it teaches you something.

Send positive vibez my way guys. Can't wait to update you on the awesome new job I attract



7/25/2016 2:46 pm  #2

Re: Lost my J.O.B.

You'll also have more time write up your novels too haha


7/25/2016 7:12 pm  #3

Re: Lost my J.O.B.

Oh yeah does it definitely work. I kept pushing the thought out of my head and but I lost my good job two months after receiving it.


7/25/2016 8:50 pm  #4

Re: Lost my J.O.B.

This is a great way of looking at things. I'd say you had raised your vibe so much that the job/employees no longer lined up with your current vibe. If this wasn't the case you'd probably be more upset about things or it may not have happened at all. Ive read that once we raise our vibe people with lower vibes will start to drop out of our reality and certain things that we're no longer a match to will fall apart. (Like relationships) This situation could be a blessing in disguise. I'll bet an even better job for you is right around the corner.


7/26/2016 9:19 am  #5

Re: Lost my J.O.B.

Natasha wrote:

This is a great way of looking at things. I'd say you had raised your vibe so much that the job/employees no longer lined up with your current vibe. If this wasn't the case you'd probably be more upset about things or it may not have happened at all. Ive read that once we raise our vibe people with lower vibes will start to drop out of our reality and certain things that we're no longer a match to will fall apart. (Like relationships) This situation could be a blessing in disguise. I'll bet an even better job for you is right around the corner.

That happened to me with people - some friends just disappeared.Β 

Be a flamingo in a flock of pigeons.

7/26/2016 2:43 pm  #6

Re: Lost my J.O.B.

PrettyFlamingo wrote:

Natasha wrote:

This is a great way of looking at things. I'd say you had raised your vibe so much that the job/employees no longer lined up with your current vibe. If this wasn't the case you'd probably be more upset about things or it may not have happened at all. Ive read that once we raise our vibe people with lower vibes will start to drop out of our reality and certain things that we're no longer a match to will fall apart. (Like relationships) This situation could be a blessing in disguise. I'll bet an even better job for you is right around the corner.

That happened to me with people - some friends just disappeared.Β 

Same here. I know it's because I've raised my vibration. One of my old friends was very negative and "woe is me" all the time. It makes sense that our vibes just weren't matching up in the end. Sometimes when people drop off like that it's actually a positive thing. It's draining when you're constantly trying to help someone look on the bright side.


7/27/2016 3:35 am  #7

Re: Lost my J.O.B.

Wishing you success Giver!!! I love your vibration....very inspiring indeed!!!! Miles to go!!1 Keep the spirits!!!


7/27/2016 6:18 am  #8

Re: Lost my J.O.B.

I lost a job I loved last year after worrying and being paranoide as well as unappreciative of it for a good 8 months - worked like a charm but also one of the best things that could happen to me. I relate to your post and if you can stay in this state of mind you can really build miracles out of your biggest discomfort ...

AND worse case scenario, if you decide you miss it : you can always manifest it back Β 

Ain't that just awesome?!!!

In the end everything will be okay, if it's not okay then it's not the end. In the meantime everyday and in every way I AM better and better.

It's done 😘

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