I'm having trouble sleeping, but enjoying the extra visualization time, and wanted to share a nighttime ritual I perform most evenings. As I'm drifting off, especially after some other visualization exercises, I like to imagine I'm holding my love, the Social Worker, as I did when we lived together. I think of the things we'd discuss, like our day, and where we kiss each other and so on. Each time, the parts of my body that are against her--my chest, my side, my arm around her--become really warm, almost making me sweat, just as when I really hold her. It feels so good and powerful and wonderful I can't stop smiling. I like to think it's the Universe showing me it's working on it, despite the current distance between us.
Anyway, what do you guys think of this ritual? Does anyone else do anything like it?
Sounds great!Β Yes, when i go to bed, I 'cuddle' into my love and feel myself next to him, breathing together and how it all feels.Β Sometimes, I will do sexy RS, but lately I've been enjoying more of the 'loving connection/feeling' with him and practising that more.
I'm thankful you think so, Susie! She and I always sleep better when we're together, and, despite the distance, it's beneficial for me. It feels wonderful, and that connection with her is really what I'm seeking, beyond everything else.
I haven't experimented much with RS. I need to find Veronica's videos and give it a shot. Maybe this evening I can do that. Do you have any advice on performing it?
Also, one thing that tends to trip me up is self-doubt. I'll get into position or start imagining she's in the apartment or we're going to dinner in a bit--tonight, I'm making one of her favourite dishes, actually--and then I get all self-conscious and stop the flow of good energy. Have you (or, anyone, really) dealt with this?
So immediately after posting that, I went and found Veronica's video on RS. It was fun the last 10min or so. I started with a back rub that progressed whole body got very warm and tingly. It feels amazing, so this is definitely something I need to make part of my daily rituals. Thank you so much for the advice.
Ignore any doubt.Β Just keep focussed on your desire and enjoy the RS and visualisations as simply a way to make yourself feel good, but yeah, it makes you feel the connection/closeness with them again too.Β They will feel it too.