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7/25/2016 1:21 pm  #1

Holy cow.. Attracted an ex in front of his girlfriend!!!

This was a boyfriend who broke up with me 4 years ago and has been in a serious relationship with his dream girl for about 2 years. I was with him and her last night because they're friends with my old school friends and it was the first time I've seen him in about a year casually. I'm not into him at all anymore but during the night (we were all at a bar) he told me in private he really misses me and then the girlfriend stormed home and then he went to kiss me !! Whaaatt I wasn't even trying !! I was in baggy trousers and a dirty top and I was just having fun with my friends . he told me I'm the coolest and sexiest girl and fantasizes about me.. Again whaaat..his girlfriend is his perfect girl but he just screwed it all up for me ..then later my other guy friend tried to kiss me. It was just my positive and happy vibration because I looked a mess but Ive been happy out for a while now and its bringing in so many boys you can't imagine! Even my ex best friend's ex.

'What We Think, We Become' -Buddha

7/25/2016 6:45 pm  #2

Re: Holy cow.. Attracted an ex in front of his girlfriend!!!

He broke up with her today and keeps contacting me wanting to meet up..
I really think it is my vibe for sure!

'What We Think, We Become' -Buddha
     Thread Starter

7/25/2016 8:36 pm  #3

Re: Holy cow.. Attracted an ex in front of his girlfriend!!!

Girl! Your life lately has me envious!  So many adventures. I need some adventure lol! It's definitely your positive vibe. I've noticed that when I feel confident, relaxed, carefree and just positive in general people respond to me more positively and things flow so much easier. Keep it up, it sounds like things are going awesomely for you!


7/26/2016 12:25 am  #4

Re: Holy cow.. Attracted an ex in front of his girlfriend!!!

This is fun and funny at the same time. Yes, you are obviously vibrating good energy and that is very attractive, especially to people who want to feel the same way. I say, continue doing what you're doing because it's really, really working!!


7/28/2016 9:44 am  #5

Re: Holy cow.. Attracted an ex in front of his girlfriend!!!

Would love to know how exactly you used to go about everyday which kept your vibe growing attractive

You deserve your desires because they are already yours.

7/28/2016 12:37 pm  #6

Re: Holy cow.. Attracted an ex in front of his girlfriend!!!

Just to be clear though, this is the boyfriend I had previous to the one I'm looking to attract but this one also broke my heart and I think what makes this so weird is that I did move on from him and he moved on from me and his girlfriend after me was everything he wanted looks wise and personality and was crazy about him. She suits him way better than me yet he blew it all for me, even though I'm so not as good for him as her (I'm just a different kind of personality and hers suits his better than mine). I don't want him back however, so this isn't the perfect success story but still, I have him if I want him so I guess it is haha. I have to admit, it felt good to have him literally crawling back to me even after the years and I felt a sense of success that he did spoil his perfect long term relationship for me, I never would have seen it coming!
My vibe right now is happy go lucky and confident I consciously choose to view life more on the positive than negative. I'm a lot more comfortable in my own skin than I ever have been and it shows. I smile and I make jokes all the time and I try to make the best out of every situation.
I'm also quite confident with myself and my ability to attract men and my ability to be loved. I'm not worried about having or not having a boyfriend and I'm not anxious about whether someone I like might like me back or not. Attracting that ex was so simple, all I did was decide that I would have a positive interaction with him and maybe show off my confidence a little and be my fun sexy self and be comfortable and boom...he's on me like white on rice, completely forgetting his 3 year relationship !
It wasn't just him, every boy who I was out with that night were giving me extra attention when they've all only been just my friends for 6 years and nothing more. I think it was due to the fact that I was the happiest girl there and it was genuine happiness which also made me charming and funny. I start to see myself as more beautiful too, I don't get jealous of other girls even the beautiful ones, because I'm confident in my uniqueness and my whole package and I never feel threatened. The joy of being free from insecurity and enjoy life fully is undeniable! Its like being a child again.
I will be seeing the original specific person in the next 2 weeks at a festival so I will let you know how that goes but I'm not too worried about it or care too much ! I'm confident that I will get a good response from him though !

'What We Think, We Become' -Buddha
     Thread Starter

7/28/2016 1:10 pm  #7

Re: Holy cow.. Attracted an ex in front of his girlfriend!!!

Hey it's really great shooting star..  Everyone loves being with a happy person..  Wish you all the best..  I also like bellecat's post..  She spoke how to love and pamper yourself (selfish love) 
Such ppl are the most attractive.. Hehe.. I too love myself a lot and don't pay heed as to how they feel about me

You deserve your desires because they are already yours.

7/28/2016 2:09 pm  #8

Re: Holy cow.. Attracted an ex in front of his girlfriend!!!

Wow, a few days not online and then THAT! That's great, I'm so proud of you. <3 You say he broke your heart back then, so I'm sure you asked for him, maybe even unconsciously, and now your new happy vibe matches with a happy relationship with him..or a happy relationship with all guys around you.Β  Who cares that you don't want him anymore? It's a success story.

"Self-abandonment. That is the secret. We have to abandon ourselves to the state, in our love for the state, and in so doing live the life of the state and no more our present state. And to make the state alive, one must become it."

Neville Goddard ~ The Law and the Promise

7/29/2016 1:53 am  #9

Re: Holy cow.. Attracted an ex in front of his girlfriend!!!

thank u


7/30/2016 2:48 pm  #10

Re: Holy cow.. Attracted an ex in front of his girlfriend!!!

ShootingStar two men in one night. Come on leave some of them for the rest of us. I would love to see a pic of them baggy pants. I know it was not the pants of course. LOL!!!


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