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7/24/2016 3:55 am  #1

My manifestations so far

Hi everyone I thought I would share some of my amazing manifestations that I've had on my journey.
I split with my love a few months ago,it was just at the point where it needed to happen.i very quickly met someone else although I knew he was just part of the process in me and my love finally having our perfect relationship. (Now a few back notes,my love had me blocked on social media and even tho I begged and begged he actually deleted his account rather than unblock me).
While I was with the new man I had absolutely no doubt that it was over between me and my love and that i would hear from him.a few weeks went past and I ended up face to face with my love (it was actually comical,I was driven up a hill on digger and literally put down at his feet!! And again I didn't know he would be there)anyway sure enough he contacted me that forward a bit and when I split up with my love I'd always imagined seeing his name on social media,guess who is now unblocked after 2 years,I imagined passing a really hard exam I was studying and telling him about it,I collected my certificate last week πŸ˜…,I wanted my hair changing but didn't have the money yet,my hairdresser was free the next day and said I could owe her!!
I had the conversation with my love about how he felt when he heard that I'd met someone the words I'd always wanted to hear.
Now i had in my mind that all of these manifestations would happen around a time a certain show that happens in the area not before but just shows how quick loa works.anyway I was having a little wobble the other day so tried meditation and got the words/urge to look outside sure enough in huge bold letters was the word SHOW been erected right outside my house although I'm not sure if I'm been guided to the show I was originally manifesting or the one been advertised outside my house.i also read on here about someone using oracle cards and I remembered that I had the pack they mentioned and a very strong urge to use them I smiled when the card I got was to visualise success 😍.
The loa of attraction really does work and it shows in many ways,thoughts become things and good actions come back.
I try and do at least 1 good deed a day and at the moment it is coming back tenfold.
So everyone who is trying to attract your ex back keep going because as a little sign that popped up on my Facebook said,the finish line is near


7/25/2016 10:54 am  #2

Re: My manifestations so far

You are manifesting like crazy.


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