I've mostly been a "secret lurker" on here just reading posts for inspiration. But I wanted to share some cool things I've manifested recently. I've been feeling really, really positive about my ex and just life in general the past couple weeks. He's liked every single instagram picture I post almost instantly (within first 20 mins) For the most part, he hasn't liked any of my pictures all summer except for maybe one or two a few months ago. So I'm taking this as a good sign!! Some weird things have happened though too. His good friend is suddenly interested in me romantically...Not really sure how to feel about that. And another guy with his same name is interested in me which is weird because he has a pretty uncommon name. Also, I was at Starbucks thinking it'd be so cool if somehow I got a free meal. I ended up ordering a coffee and a bagel. I got my coffee and a couple minutes later the barista came over and said they no longer had plain bagels, only raisin. I said I didn't really want raisin and another barista told me to pick out whatever I wanted AND gave me a gift card! So I got my free breakfast Then, I was thinking about how much I missed horseback riding but that I didn't really have money to pay for lessons at the moment. A few days later my mom called (she's a real estate agent) and said one of her clients owns a horse farm and wants to give me lessons for free!! Like what! Who does that!? Next, I really wanted an Audi crossover but know that they are pretty expensive so was apprehensive about getting one. I was with one of my mom's friends and her sister-in-law started talking to me about cars. When she found out I wanted an Audi she goes, "My ex boyfriend's son works at Audi and can get you one for cheap!" So guess who is getting an Audi this Saturday! Wow, I am just amazed at the law of attraction. It seriously turns your life around in ways you would never dream of!! Anyway, super excited to be manifesting my boyfriend back! This is a very fun process. I'll keep you guys updated on my journey.
Last edited by dem0019 (7/24/2016 6:29 pm)
dem0019 wrote:
Next, I really wanted an Audi crossover but know that they are pretty expensive so was apprehensive about getting one. I was with one of my mom's friends and her sister-in-law started talking to me about cars. When she found out I wanted an Audi she goes, "My ex boyfriend's son works at Audi and can get you one for cheap!" So guess who is getting an Audi this Saturday!
Great news!
I did an exercise years ago which was, though I didn't realise it, LOA based. We had to script our lives 5 years ahead. In that I mentioned that I had a Ford Puma. I now have one, but that came about because my then boyfriend was in our local pub/restaurant and heard the waitress saying that she had one she wished to sell, told her I would probably be interested, and of course I was and I still have it now. It is a 17 year old classic now but I love it!
Congratulations on your manifestations!!
Exciting! Keep it up!