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7/25/2016 6:01 am  #1

I could see him but

I manifest that he called me and text me a lot recently but I was stuck theses days. But i have a serious health condition and hes been thru a same thing before that's why I really Ned to meet him . So he said ok to meet him on Friday . But when I met him my anger and bad feeling towards him alots and I lost and let out everything to him . Of course hets angry but after that I stayed his house and I saw something that there was a girl .. And I can't control my anger and we argue alots. He throw me away and out of his house etc he told me that I don't wanna see you ever again you piece of **** asshole  put me on the floor and shout out to me .i was sad and I explain him that I was worried my Heath problem and I just need your help etc.afyrt that he hug me and he kissed do much said you r not alone I'm here to help you if you need . But he said I love you you but we shouldn't be in the relationship anymore etc. we talk a lot and he suggested me that he will see me every week once a week .and if we could have fun then maybe there's opportunity that we can be back . But he always change his mind so im not sure that he will see me again but I really hope that happen .i wanna be better too .i told him every thing I was hold on my mind so now I feel much better . He doesn't have gf or like anyone now . I wrote a letter when I leave his house today that everything I'm sorry and I was wrong , no matter what and how much you hate me I always love you.anf also thank you for trying to meet me once a week trial chance to me. I hope it will goes well ..


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