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I have been following the 25 day challenge for a while now, me and my ex are friendly but he is seeing someone else! I always have to here about them from a mutual friend he does not know about mine and my ex's history. Last two days I have been feeling little sad as I am having to here a lot about my ex and the girl he is seeing! I cant get these thoughts out my head! does the LOA work for manifesting someone that is seeing someone else, had anyone experienced this? If you have it would be great to hear your story as it can be motivating! I do believe anything is possible. Thanks
Stop giving this new girl any thought. How are you supposed to tell the universe that he is what you want, when you keep telling the universe he's with another girl? At this rate, you'd never get him back. Remember, focus on your end result and keep that vibe up.
LOA can bring about any desire you have, but you have to be in the right vibration to get that. Since you are giving energy to ' I don't want this ' the universe is delivering to you what you are giving out - him being with her. I'd take a step back from this, and go do something that you enjoy doing. That'll be an instant vibe raiser, and soon you'll be laughing at why you even gave that girl any thought.
Don't focus on the outer conditions, just focus on your wonderful relationship with your person and keep up the vibrational work
Thank you that was a motivating post!
watch Veronicas how to get your ex back in 25 days video number 2 on you tube, very helpful
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