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7/22/2016 3:49 pm  #1

He is on his way.

This is a success story in the making and I hope this will encourage you to be persistent. 
I started attracting my man back 2 months ago. I knew about the LoA since 2006 because I saw the movie The Secret and What the Bleep do you Know.
I made a vision board. In it, I glued a photo of Istanbul (I wanted to go there), a photo of France (I wanted to live there), a photo of me and I guy I wanted to be with, and the photo of a Tiffany engagement ring (as a symbol of marriage. I´m not really into jewelry or luxurious stuff). And other things I wanted but I can´t remember....
I did not know back then that the key of the LoA was to feel before having your desires. I guess the information I got was so new to me, that I missed the whole emotion thing. But somehow I manifested: 
- I went to study french in France the next year.
- I got married in Istanbul (not with the guy of the photo). 
Pretty good for a beginner, right? 
While I was married, I made another vision board, but my marriage was not a happy one and now I know why I did not get what I desired. Also we needed money, and all of my focus was on the lack. 
I got divorced and forgot totally about the Law of Attraction, but 2 months ago, I began again after my breakup. I have to tell you that we are in contact since day 2 (my BF and I). I have been to all the negative emotions, I stopped contact, but that never happened cause he phoned me because my aunt passed away. 
During this time, I manifested my mother in law calling me (she lives in another country and I don´t know her personally. Once I sent her a message via Facebook, and one time I spoke with her over the phone.
My BF was there). I visualized her sending me a Facebook message, and like 4 days later, there it was. Also I have to tell you that I deactivated my FB account but I can still get messages in my phone, so she managed to find me even though she is a lady of more than 60 years old and not so very technology oriented. 
The other thing that I manifested during this period, was a roomate. I needed to pay the rent the 1st. day of July and I asked for a person who works long hours and that he leaves every weekend. On July 1st, a person went to see the room that was available at 7:00 a.m. He said yes, and made a transfer to my bank account for the amount I needed to complete the rent. 
I also started to get signs. First, the numbers. I see 11:11 almost everyday, now I see pairs, 555, 777, 2222, 22:22, 10:10, 15:51, etc, and I got a notification on my phone while I was waiting for my Uber last Saturday. The notification said: J... is on his was. The driver had the same name as my BF. And my mantra is: J... loves me and he is on his way. How cool is that? 

BUT, where is your boyfriend?.

He is so coming. I will see him this Sunday. I know I still have issues to solve, insecurities, fear, but my vibration is getting steady after weeks of an emotional rollercoaster. 
I know now that getting your love back is a process and you have to live it entirely if you want a new relationship. And it´s true, you have to get yourself back, you have to love yourself and be grateful for the breakup because it is a wonderful way to grow as a person and heal in many areas. 
Keep going, cause everything is possible. 
I will keep you posted. 


Last edited by Jim Chien Beige (7/22/2016 4:05 pm)


7/22/2016 4:09 pm  #2

Re: He is on his way.

Jim Chien Beige wrote:

He is so coming. I will see him this Sunday. I know I still have issues to solve, insecurities, fear, but my vibration is getting steady after weeks of an emotional rollercoaster. 
I know now that getting your love back is a process and you have to live it entirely if you want a new relationship. And it´s true, you have to get yourself back, you have to love yourself and be grateful for the breakup because it is a wonderful way to grow as a person and heal in many areas. 
Keep going, cause everything is possible. 
I will keep you posted. 


Thanks for sharing your success stories.

It's wonderful, when people finally get this. Yes, it's a process and how long it takes depends on our ability to allow it. In the beginning, the journey is hard and full of effort, but after a while it gets easy and fun. And you are so right. A breakup is the best possibility to grow EVER.

"Self-abandonment. That is the secret. We have to abandon ourselves to the state, in our love for the state, and in so doing live the life of the state and no more our present state. And to make the state alive, one must become it."

Neville Goddard ~ The Law and the Promise

7/22/2016 4:19 pm  #3

Re: He is on his way.

Sanshi wrote:

Jim Chien Beige wrote:

He is so coming. I will see him this Sunday. I know I still have issues to solve, insecurities, fear, but my vibration is getting steady after weeks of an emotional rollercoaster. 
I know now that getting your love back is a process and you have to live it entirely if you want a new relationship. And it´s true, you have to get yourself back, you have to love yourself and be grateful for the breakup because it is a wonderful way to grow as a person and heal in many areas. 
Keep going, cause everything is possible. 
I will keep you posted. 


Thanks for sharing your success stories.

It's wonderful, when people finally get this. Yes, it's a process and how long it takes depends on our ability to allow it. In the beginning, the journey is hard and full of effort, but after a while it gets easy and fun. And you are so right. A breakup is the best possibility to grow EVER.

Also, this breakup has helped me to:

- Have the best relationship ever with my mom
- Meditation is now a habit for me
- I´m learning to control my mind and negative thoughts
- I´m reading like crazy
- Finally found a use for the iPad I bought (kindle and youtube 
- I lost 3 kilos and my body is better than ever
- My room is organized
- My anxiety is gone 
- I am learning to be grateful for all the things I have

Last edited by Jim Chien Beige (7/22/2016 4:19 pm)

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