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7/17/2016 8:02 pm  #1

He is the love of my life!!!

Met him 2 yrs ago.  Feel in love with him from just seeing his picture.  I had been praying for a good man to be in my life and there he was.  He is good, kind, strong values, respectful and the most patient person with my son.  We started out rocky.  He is so scared of a relationship but so was I.  All I know is a few months after the first time we tried to make things happen with us.  He reached out to me again.  He said he didn't think he was good enough for me.  A lot has happened to him that has even been harder for him to find his worth.  I was struggling with myself all  this time also.  But I am on the road to being the best I have ever been in all of my life.  I have a dream job, home life that is amazing, my body is almost as perfect as I could ever want it, my finances are good, my health is perfect.  I am just about 100% happy with everything.  I am doing the 25 day challenge and I am on 14.  Its working.  We spent 3 hours together and he surprised me and showed up.  I am reaching out to him and I need to learn to let him come to me.  I need to have more faith in the loa that he will come to me when he is ready.  I am struggling with that.  But this is the thing.  God or the Universe as some of you call it.  Has removed any other obstacle out of my way.  I tried to date or even just talk to other men to move on before finding Veronica.  I felt so wrong about it.  Because I love him.  I told him a long time ago.  I wanted him to be the last man I ever made love to, the last man I kissed, the last man that I am in love with.  I don't know if he believed me.  But this is my thoughts.  My heart is meant for him.  And weather he knows it or not.  We are supposed to be together.  So I am going to keep on living as if.  Working on me and becoming even more perfected.  Loving my life even more than ever and building a world for us.  I do know I caused our breakup.  I dwelled on the negative.   I allowed his negative thoughts to fuel the pushing us apart.  I fed into all that and that is why we are apart.  This will take me time to get myself into that mode of being able to withstand his negative energy.  He is not used to be happy.  Heck I have not been.  But I am and its a whole new magical world for me.  Its not always easy to keep it going.  But it absolutely is possible.  I pray you all are doing well.  And if you ever need advice on how this all work.  I do have a lot of experience in finding that awesome job and creating that environment.  This I will tell you also.  I love Veronica and her thoughts.  I had listened and even bought other relationship materials.  But her thoughts and being positive and doing what is really right on all levels is what I was really interested.  Some coaches were like find ways to make your ex jealous and ignorant stuff like that.  Well let me tell you this.  If that is the type of relationship you want with your mate than go for it.  I want a relationship that is built on honesty, love and peace.  May you all find what you are looking for.  I will see my Brian this week and it will be like we have been but so much better.  I can't wait to write you all and share.  Sweet dreams


7/18/2016 5:32 pm  #2

Re: He is the love of my life!!!

Wolf, you are so absolutely right.  I did do all this. 
He is the love of my life and our relationship is beautiful.  I feel his positive energy.  We are very happy people with successful thoughts.  We both have strong energy to be anything we put our minds too.  The music we give off together is wondrous.  Many people would be blown away and are in awe of a love like ours.  When we are together its like we have always been that way.  Peace is all around and the heavens are open.  From the moment I saw his face I knew who he was.  I am sure he knows who I am.  I am giving off good positive and loving vibes.  My love and energy is growing our love for us to be all that God intended us to be.  Our memories of the most romantic times flood my memory all throughout my days.  And I giggle like a school girl at the love we have for each other.  I have been waiting all my life for us to find each other.  I believe in us.  We are one.  God Bless you Wolf for helping me remember where I need to be. 
Thank you

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7/18/2016 6:24 pm  #3

Re: He is the love of my life!!!

Yes it is, so are you.  Thank you for caring about our love and success.  May God and the Universe bless you for helping us.  Its everlasting love and happiness.  I so love my Brian.  I am his for this life and all eternity. 

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7/18/2016 7:06 pm  #4

Re: He is the love of my life!!!

Our story has loa all over it. 
See I have a fb that was my coffee shops fb.  I turned my fb into a place to promote myself in my small town.  I started to become friends with all kinds of people I did not know.  Brian popped up on my radar.  See I had been praying for a good, beautiful man, with a kind heart, standards and a love for family and life.  He liked a few things of mine and I started to pay attention.  See I have 2600 friends.  And you do know if you know loa that it was not coincidence that he stood out to me.  It took me a moment.  To see who he was.  I had liked his posts.  Saw pictures of him when he was younger.  Holding one of his baby sons.  Then I finally saw his profile picture buried in pictures.  He is everything I had ever dreamed of.  He is adorable in every way.  My heart at the very moment did more than skip a beat.  I had to meet him.  I messaged him.  We messaged for weeks.  But not too many til I asked him out on a date.  I wanted him.  He is my dream man.  He had a date earlier with another woman and he told me that he did.  He cut it short to see me for the first time.  Funny I was not upset or jealous at all by that.  I knew I was very special to him.  Though I don't think I could have told you that at that time.  It happened all so fast.  You need to know I am very old fashioned.  I don't ask out men.  But see I had prayed for him to come to me and he did.  So I went to him.  It was a fun night.  We went to his home.  We sat at his kitchen table.  And he scooted his chair up to mine.  I was so very nervous.  Be he is so cute and handsome in everyway.  I am so taken with him.  He kissed me.  Like no other man has ever kissed me before.  He took my breathe away.  I saw stars, fireworks, had butterflies and the giggles in my stomach.  That moment is chiseled on my heart forever.  After a few months we went our separate ways.  I won't share anything but to tell you that the loa brought us back together.  He came for me this time.  I again had prayed for good man.  He knew I so loved him.  Again he kissed me there in his kitchen, sitting in his chairs and the kiss was as so very perfect as the first time.  He is beautiful in every kind of a way.  His touch is unlike anything of this earth.  His is heaven sent.  Our connection is from God.  As I am telling you this.  I am feeling God's energy validating this.  See Brian and I have many connections.  I was working in a woman's clothing store.  Where years ago his mother also worked and his oldest sister.  Our two oldest children at the exact same age and we both have one younger son each.  We both love to create, we think outside the box on the way things are to be done.  We both love natural stuff.  We love to learn and find ways to perfect things.  Even ourselves.  We both believe in loyality, honor and respect.  Integrity is so very important to us both.  We love animals of all kinds.  Love food and to cook all kinds.  We both excel on making things and fixing things. 
He is so incredible with my little boy.  Never in all of my life met a person that has the patience he has for my son.  Every moment I have been with him.  I have fallen deeper and deeper in love with him.  A situation came up last year in Oct that caused an event that God showed me.  When I questioned what was happening.  God showed me a vision.  I have never seen a vision from God before.  But on a drive to the hospital to fulfill a promise I made to him.  God showed me our wedding day.  What a beautiful peaceful day.  On a white beach at sunset.  Our colors blue and green after our birthstones.  Everyone we both love were there.  Everything was perfect in every kind of a way.  Smiles never left our faces.  It is a really beautiful moment.   A moment I am visualizing. 
Since this time.  I had gotten a better job with excellent pay but it was not my dream job.  Less than 5 months.  I found my lifetime career.  It is so absolutely heaven sent.  Perfect in every way for me.  I am so in tune with my loa.  My health, in all ways is improving in ways that I could not explain in human words.  My love for myself is above and beyond anything I have ever felt in all of my life.  I feel unstoppable. 
And my love for Brian and our children is growing immensely in ways that are beyond what I could have imagined.  I see visuals of all of them and our families combined.  I see lots of laughter and happiness.  But above all in every way. 
I see a lot of love. 
Love that lasts more than this lifetime
Love that is eternal
I am Brian's Lady and he is my man. 
Forever and Always. 

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7/19/2016 6:19 am  #5

Re: He is the love of my life!!!

Wolf!!! Help!!!!
I texted him.  
I miss cuddling with you.  Watching you snore with your mouth open and trying to stop giggling without waking you.  

He wrote back
Really don't know how to respond to this

now what do I say

note he loves to tease and say things to make me laugh

I want to tell him I love him and that no one compares to him. 
He is my soulmate and I am his

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7/19/2016 4:16 pm  #6

Re: He is the love of my life!!!

I don't want this banged into.  NOT at all.  I totally just wanted to show my appreciation.  I messaged him and asked if he was offended by the comment.  That I thought maybe he felt I was making fun of him snoring.  So I said.  I felt the text didn't get my point across and so I said I found him adorable and cute when he sleeps.  He than messaged me.  I must be bored because my son is gone for his visit with his dad.  I messaged back.  I am far from bored.  And that I dont have control of how he thinks about himself.  Have never found him to be boring and left a smiley with a wink.  I give this love to the universe.  Felt like I am planting a seed in his mind how I feel about him.  Now I will back off.  I give thanks to the universe in having him respond so quickly.  He has not done that before til that message.  He is thinking and the loa is working on him.  I see it all through my days working on me.  Letting me know he loves me.  I also pointed out that I am not afraid to say what I think.  I am strong, confident and in control of my loa.  I give love to the universe and to him.  I live my life in a happy place.  I am gorgeous and successful in all that I do.  My energy is huge all around me.  I attract many my way that fall into the Ora of the loa several times a day.  I absolutely love it.  I have mentioned my successes with him and he is being aware that good things happen to good people with a positive attitude.  I appreciate your words of wisdom.  I will chill and love me.  You Rock!!!!

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7/20/2016 4:18 am  #7

Re: He is the love of my life!!!

Hi Brianslady, every situation is so individual here that one answer doesn't necessarily fit all.  So, if you feel you're in a good place and it seems appropriate to say/do things, then go ahead, but you just have to question where its coming from and if it's appropriate according to the general vibe between you two.  For me, I had to really feel like a vibrational shift had occurred before taking certain outward action.

Love is all

7/20/2016 5:41 am  #8

Re: He is the love of my life!!!

I don't understand the question.  Where is it coming from and the vibrational shift.  I just felt so strongly with all the thoughts and feelings things that had been manifesting for me.  That mentioning to him our cuddling was appropriate.  He had surprised me in showing up and hanging out for hours.  We were not like we were in the past.  But I did feel so confident and gorgeous.  My energy was so strong and I saw him feel like he could not hold still.  He would not look at me but I caught him looking when I wasn't.  For him to have spent that kind of time with me was not like him he loves sleep so much and works 3rd shift. 
The feelings I felt and the thoughts in my mind were not things I just created.  I believe that God was telling me what to say and what would let him know where how I feel.  We broke up a year before and we seriously were not ready for a relationship.  It through me.  I loved him from the beginning and I felt such a loss.  I didn't thing that the loa could help me get him back and so I didn't do all these things to better me.  I dated a few men and had a horrible time of it.  He knew about this.  I just felt strongly the other day that I needed to know.  I am still here and that I do love him.  I did not say it but I think my words did.  He told me last year the reason we were not together before is that he did not feel good enough for me.  I was shocked. 
I am in a very good place in how I am feeling about myself.  I have followed the loving myself, taking care of my home, my car.  My job is amazing.  I exercise alot and I am in the best shape in all areas of my life than i have ever been.  I believe I need to just let him have time.  The no contact is brutal for me.  And I will follow it.  I had asked to see him sometime this week as I am lonely my son is away.  He knows how I get when he is gone.  He said he couldn't make any promises.  He is working 7 days a week.  I will leave this up to him.  
When we finally saw each other around the 4th.  I was so surprised he really came. I felt so unprepared to how to act around him.  Though I did feel so beautiful, confident and that I could be the new me that I had been working on.  I had no idea how to react to him.  He picked at his mom and me for the things we were doing.  He more so picked on her especially about her cooking as he always did.  I did my best to not pay attention that he was there.  My visit was with her.  I so didn't want to seem desperate or affectionate towards him.  Honestly I felt awkward.  I know he did.   Because I caught him not being able to hold still when I looked his way.  I never saw him look at my face but I did catch him looking at me when he didn't know I did.  I felt him staring at me in the beginning as I was talking to her.  And I was so on my game to not let him know how nervous I was.  After the visit.  I was flying all over the place.  So gitty that I felt he did so love me to have spent that time with me.  He honestly did not need to be there.  I blew it though a few days later in a text when I got angry with him.  My counselor said I transferred my anger onto him because of issues that day I had with my ex.  Inside I needed Brian as a support to help me deal with my son's dad.  But that Brian had not been a support I needed in a companion  and I lashed out.  days later I apologized in a text.  He didn't reply.  not unusual for him.  He doesn't like negative and neither do I.  I randomly mentioned a time we had laughed and enjoyed and he did reply with his cute fun remarks like before.  I had hoped he would have this last time too.  But he didn't.  Though his immediate response was very surprising.  I know he does love me and I know he knows I love him.  I need to give him space and leave the decisions to him on where we go with this.  I will continue to love me and love my life acting as if.  It is a marvelous thing to know I am not the woman I was even a month ago.  I will continue to grow in all areas of my life.  I live in a positive world and surround myself with positive people.  This is not always easy and being by myself is not a bad thing.  I am learning alot about who I am and what I want most in my life and my world.  Thank you for your advice and I am so open to more.  pray for me.  It is hard to learn to let go.  Not even sure how to really do it.  I went 25 days before with no contact and 20 days in two different times.  We have been apart since the end of April.  The first time we broke up he came back to me and reached out 8 months later and we were not that serious that time as we have been now. 
We did not have a horrible break up.  And I know he does care alot about me and my son.  He his a good man. 
We will make this happen. 
I just need to exercise my faith in the loa and God. 

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7/20/2016 7:06 am  #9

Re: He is the love of my life!!!

Can you suggest materials to help me align?

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7/20/2016 7:09 am  #10

Re: He is the love of my life!!!

brianslady wrote:

Can you suggest materials to help me align?

Do anything you love to do! Anything that makes you happy, gleeful, etc .JUST FEEL GOOD!

"Believe in what you feel inside, and give your dreams the wings to fly
You have everything you need, if you just believe" -
Believe, Josh Groban
its hard to have a better tomorrow if you're still thinking about yesterday


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Veronica Isles LOA coach