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7/18/2016 9:41 pm  #1

Successfully extended my job contract

I mentioned a few months ago I was hired by a friend at her company and its been steady work ever since! However I was kinda worried about what would happen to me job at the end of the 3-month contract (which would have been mid-july).

So on June 28th, I meditated on the topic and decided to work my way through each fear (by acknowledging it, being at peace with it and /or stating the opposite). By the end of my session I was feeling pretty calm and relaxed. "whatever happens, happens" mentality. I decided not to do any action towards my goal except focusing my energy on being great at my job and projects.

lo and behold, the next day we had our group meeting and my supervisor announced we had a LOT more work to do in helping other departments in the company, and getting more training to work with other customers and staff. Haha I just sent my signed re-newed contract yesterday :D

For those of you who need a more comprensive loa walkthrough, this article really helped me a lot

Last edited by heliumtea (7/18/2016 9:42 pm)


7/18/2016 10:22 pm  #2

Re: Successfully extended my job contract

Great story

I find that just feeling my fear and being conscious of it like in meditation helps a lot to let it flow and then it's easier to find your inner voice and be in the "inspired action" state of mind.


7/19/2016 2:07 am  #3

Re: Successfully extended my job contract

heliumtea wrote:

I mentioned a few months ago I was hired by a friend at her company and its been steady work ever since! However I was kinda worried about what would happen to me job at the end of the 3-month contract (which would have been mid-july).

So on June 28th, I meditated on the topic and decided to work my way through each fear (by acknowledging it, being at peace with it and /or stating the opposite). By the end of my session I was feeling pretty calm and relaxed. "whatever happens, happens" mentality. I decided not to do any action towards my goal except focusing my energy on being great at my job and projects.

lo and behold, the next day we had our group meeting and my supervisor announced we had a LOT more work to do in helping other departments in the company, and getting more training to work with other customers and staff. Haha I just sent my signed re-newed contract yesterday :D

For those of you who need a more comprensive loa walkthrough, this article really helped me a lot

Thanks for this and congratulations! I'm on a fixed contract so this is very timely! 😊

Be a flamingo in a flock of pigeons.

7/19/2016 4:08 am  #4

Re: Successfully extended my job contract

Oh yay ! Congratulations

In the end everything will be okay, if it's not okay then it's not the end. In the meantime everyday and in every way I AM better and better.

It's done 😘

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