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7/18/2016 11:38 am  #1

For those who doubt in LOA, my recent amazing manifestations

Yes this is all about relationships and not objects. Last January, I was in a frustrated place. I wasn't close to getting my original person back and I was having a dire fling with a boy I didn't even like and he was awful and I was fed up. I booked a trip with my friend for a weekend to Berlin and in a techno club, we both met two men much older than us that fitted both our personalities down to the ground. It was amazing. They also thought we fitted them down to the ground and they were both in the same place as we were, both dealing with break ups and a bit down. So all of our vibrations matched perfectly. I struck up a relationship with the one I liked but then he started to get a bit conceited, he thought because he was already older and in his career that he was somehow a bit better than me and we fell out quite badly. I had a desire to meet someone in his field but better than him to shove it in his face almost. Well, I went back to Berlin a month ago and the first man to take me out on a date was in this field, which was film directing, except, he was an Oscar winning film director (the other was so far from Oscar winning !) And this new man was much more handsome and charming and we are still talking today.Β 
How many times do you get to meet and go on a date with and have a fling with an Oscar winner? I don't know anyone else personally who has but I don't know if anyone had the strong desire to meet someone in that field who was better than my previous man, and Oscar winning is the best of that field I think we can all agree! (Plus he was also a lot better in his personality, he isn't conceited at all but he has more reason to be!)Β 

Another LOA moment that has happened to me is that I manifested the end of a friendship that wasn't good for me. She was too intense and our friendship took too much energy from me that I had no time for my other friends or to make other friends because she always texted me and wanted to be around me but she wasn't a very pleasant friend and I manifested that she and I would fall out but it would be all her fault because I didn't want to deal with any guilt or do anything mean or wrong. It happened, she deserted me abroad for her new boyfriend and I gracefully let her know that I will not be contacting her again because of that. It was a perfect ending for me because she was the one completely in the wrong , but by deserting me, I was able to actually meet new people and do the things I wanted and I also became a much stronger and independent person.Β 

I also put out the desire that I wanted to meet a boy my own age who was intelligent, blonde, funny and sexy in Berlin. On my last week, I met said boy. He matched everything I wanted on my desire list and he and I are also still in close contact and will be meeting again in a few weeks. He's the exact combination of traits I wanted, physical and mental. Just before I met him, I was in a very high flying, independent place and seeing 111 everywhere everyday. I had a feeling when I met him on tinder without much conversation that he and I would get on, and sure enough, we did get on amazingly ! In a city so big, it's easy to have more bad dates than good ones or to meet people who don't strike a chord with you than do, but my two dates were the Oscar winner handsome older man and the sweet, funny and attractive younger guy. Both were perfect matches to my desire of who I wanted to meet and where !

I guess I just had positive to neutral expectations but my attitude was always bright and positive and when I met these two people, they responded to my vibe and were both deeply attracted to me. They even said how different and fresh and beautiful I was, but it was all my attitude and vibe !Β 

So for those of you who might be wondering what about the person I'm on here for....well it's a tricky situation because I don't think my desire and determination for him is actually strong enough recently. We have broken up and gotten back together about 4 times over 4 years. So yes, I've won him back from about 3 other girls, he's also come back and 'won' me back from another guy. We have both vibrated back to each other and we have an intense connection for sure but I guess this time, even though I would still like him , I guess I'm not energetically able to put in the energy I did before because I need to replenish myself and it was taking too much out of me to keep getting him back. When I did get him back from situations most people would run away from, like terrible break ups and me even going as far as stalking and harassing, I got him back when I became more grounded, at ease, positive, naturally happy. When I was going out to parties and making friends, even getting the attention of other guys. When he noticed that I wasn't calling him crying or sending him 50 texts a day, when he saw photos of me looking good on facebook and heard about me doing good things. When I became the one that got away as opposed to him having that role. When the interactions he had with me began to make him smile and not cringe or sigh. But when I got him back, I lost that vibe quickly and became nervous, anxious, insecure, worried....and lost him and then the process would begin again. So that's why my success story may or may not have him in it but it's going to be my choice. If he's not in it, you can be assured that it's because I decided I don't want him. Right now, I'm unsure about it. So don't worry if you read this and get worried that I've been on here so long and I haven't seem to have gotten my desire and what if this is all's not bullshit I just am not as sure I really really want my desire as much as I did before . But those things I did manifest recently, I was certain I wanted !

'What We Think, We Become' -Buddha

7/18/2016 2:00 pm  #2

Re: For those who doubt in LOA, my recent amazing manifestations

Thank you for sharing your experiences!

Love is all

7/18/2016 5:25 pm  #3

Re: For those who doubt in LOA, my recent amazing manifestations

Yes, thank you! This post reminds me that we are powerful and can manifest whatever we want. Sounds like you've had some awesome adventures!


7/18/2016 9:09 pm  #4

Re: For those who doubt in LOA, my recent amazing manifestations

Fabulous ShootStar.


7/19/2016 9:07 pm  #5

Re: For those who doubt in LOA, my recent amazing manifestations

That's an amazing story thank you for sharing !


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