Like most of the people here, I came to attract my love whom I lost due to my what's ifs in first week of January this year. And no. He is not back.
We were only dating for 4 months, but never officially a couple. We did not have a history together. We met once in a while, held hands a couple of times and that was it. To me this man, was very special,we did not have any physical intimacy yet,I loved him so much with all my heart. Therefore all the decision to split was my idea, it completely shattered me into pieces. I took it really hard. I was single for many years before I decided to date this man. And he was a friend first. So in the end ,not only did I not have a relationship, but I felt I also killed the friendship. I carried this guilt with me day in day out. Also the fact that it ended so quickly after me stepping out into the dating world also completely crushed my self esteem. I started thinking of all negatives things about me possible. I concluded that I wasn't good enough. Basically I just wrote myself off from myself and my loved ones. I lived in a dark hole.
Then I found this forum. Like a breath of fresh air. Got introduced to Abe. Listening to her videos was even harder. I just couldn't connect. I couldn't understand what she was saying. Nothing clicked no matter how hard i tried. But I was determined to get this man back cause I realised that I can fix this mistake. I thought no harm trying. I remembered that I was picking myself up slowly. It was working in terms of getting back my lost smile. I was slowly getting back my lost sleep. My love for food also died somewhere along the journey. I was eating well again. My vibe was increasing steadily. People around me was noticing it and it made me happier as well.almost all the people ot my past has returned except for my him. Until my friend had to tell me he was on tinder. Not only did I fall, I fell so hard. My emotions got disfigured. At that moment I did not know they were a reflection of my past. I ranted here. Some good souls calmed me down asking me to ignore. But I did not understand. Why? I worked so hard. Yet it was not working. I was telling myself loa is bs. And I was slowly sinking again. I was losing hope. But somewhere in my heart I knew that being on the higher vibe was way more better for my soul. I told myself I'm not going back to the dark tunnel again. So again I worked on myself. One day out of nowhere I met this random guy through a mutual friend. We clicked instantly. Within a matter of days, we were meeting each other very frequently and chatted over the phone almost everyday. The funny thing with this guy is HE IS EVERYTHING I WANTED MY LOVE TO BE. I'M NOT KIDDING! Not kidding is also a major understatement. This guy just blew my mind away many times cause of the deja vu moments I had with him. There are so many examples that I can cite. Whatever I wanted to experience with the guy I loved, the universe has granted me the very experiences I was looking for! Only difference is that different guy. Loa freaking works! When I share thisome with people who doesn't know loa for them it's eerie and freaky. But not to me cause these were very things that I asked for. Everything has been granted to me in terms of the experiences I wanted. In fact certain words, that I wanted to hear from the man I lost came from the new guy. At this moment I can safely say that I have no resistance towards my love anymore but I believe the reason why is he not back is cause we are not ready for each other. While I have also been working on myself I also realise it is so true , you get back, what you reflect. I still love my partner with all my heart, but I really don't care anymore who he is with, what he is doing or etc. Sometimes I feel he is just with me. I somehow forgot that he doesn't even exist in my life physically cause I'm so integrated with him on a emotional level. After I changed my vibration, I got back an even better version than I previously was. For that I'm really very thankful to my love. If not for him, though painful I couldn't have grown so much emotionally.
Right now, I'm truly happy with my life. I'm surrounded by so much love, that I often think, there is so many people in this world, yearning for that one person could be in any capacity to love them, talk to them or be with them, for me one loss was all it took, my gains has been enormous. The universe has been very generous with the giving. I hope I could uplift some spirits with my story. Just don't give up. Have faith. No success story is bigger than getting your own or even better self of you back. The joy of giving back what you have and know are priceless. As for my love. He has to come back. He has no other choice. Until then, the u1niverse and I will work side by side with each other.
Also each of your stories /insights had definitely helped me in one way or another. Nothing but thankful
Blessings to all xx
Was just Having this same conversation today : thank you for sharing. I absolutely agree
Beautiful story.