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7/17/2016 10:16 pm  #31

Re: Good news finally

Wonderful! thank you for share. if you want to read the book please visit my website : best quotes ever

Last edited by Sephjroth89vn (7/25/2016 9:06 pm)

My favorite game is solitaire card games
i like reading meaningful quotesgreat quotesjokes and riddles 

7/18/2016 8:00 pm  #32

Re: Good news finally

This is great news. You will get that ring.


7/29/2016 8:28 am  #33

Re: Good news finally

Awaiting my wedding invite Jenny...


8/20/2016 10:20 am  #34

Re: Good news finally

Hello guys!

I am new on this forum, but using LOA since the start of May to attract my girl.
When I saw Veronica's YouTube channel, I got some hope.

We are separate since the middle of March, she lives in another country, and in some way it was difficult for me.
Anyway, since the start of May, I used to watch Veronica's videos and by almost everyday, tryed to progress on my personal level. Physical activities, combat with "bad" thoughts, manifesting good stuff...

I made one special routine, I take my dog every morrning to a walk and along that focused on listening videos to help me manifesting nice things about myself and my girl.
So at the start I had success to attract contact from some my friends from the country, where my girl lives. Also, I attracted contact from her brother. Then, I somehow attracted contact from one regrouting work agency, also from the country where my girl is from.   That, all happened from 6th May till 12th June.

Than, silence started in manifesting small things. I had some period of unpatience and small anxiety. Because, I expected that all will be finished within 25 days, and I stopped visualize about my girl.  

So, at the end of June I started again to visualize a lot of new things about my girl and me, and by some strange accident I got call through Facebook App, from one friend of my girl. He is actually husband of her best girlfriend, she has trust in them. Back to the story, he said he called by accident, phone was in his pocket. But he asked me how I am doing, is it everything okay. We had nice chat. After that, I was little shocked - in positive way.

Than, July started and again I was little unsatisfied with all of this process, because nothing happens yet, I didn't got message or call from my girl. Even I manifested some things beside my girl, I meet one friend from one specific country which I was thinking about week before

So, that gave me new power, and I told myself - if you are near quit, that means you are near the goal. I continued with visualizations, and remote seduction ofcourse. And on our anniversary, when we met each other, I found four-leaf clover! I like clover as symbol, personally it means to me. And next day I found again four-leaf clover.
Then, I continued with whole process of LOA, and again on 29th I have founded third - clover with four leafs.

In august, I started to watch videos from Infinite Waters - YouTube channel also. And BOOM! On 4th August I found another clover with four-leafs. But meanwhile, no contacts from personas related somehow with my girl, or girl at all. But, I continued anyway. Now I focused on my inner-peace, happiness, and little about my girl, it's most RS.

And miracle happened, on her birthday, on 17th August, I founded clover with FIVE LEAFS! Usually through my life, before happy periods of my life I used to find these clovers.
I thought, it is some sybolic inside. I started to find clovers since our anniversary till her birthday. But I didn't send her any messages for birthday, it was strict no contact. 

And final manifestation, yesterday evening I got a message from the same guy who called me by accident at the end of June. I was surprised, because I was listening some meditation video on YouTube.

So he says usually "How are u", and next message he asks why I didn't congrat my girl a birthday. Like I should do it, like nice gesture of courtesy. I was little surprised, I thought it was a joke.
But, he explains me how my girl is with him and his wife out in some bar, and they just thought about me. He then contact me, without knowledge of my girl, persude me to send her something

I got some doubts, because we had cold chat in April, so didn't expect anything better. But, when I send nice text, she responded very warm with few smiles. Something made my hearth so warm at that moment  
Maybe minut after, her girlfriend sends me a message how my girl reacted, how happy she was while reading my message. Later then, guy who inicially contacted me, said how he thought to come to my country with his wife to visit me. Then, I got shocked because in some visualizations I was imagening  visit of my girl and some of her frineds we have And this morrning she posted on FaceBook some really interesting text, like she fall in love again or like she got reasured that I still love her.

This is a lost post, but I needed to write all this. To give you faith, LOA works, all you need is to work toward this goal. To work on yourselves, that was my mistake on start. First, made inner peace, than control your thoughts, and than think about happy moments real or imaginative.  

My story isn't finished yet, but this is nice progress and late days events gave me huge motivation. 

Peace and love!



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