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7/17/2016 11:35 am  #11

Re: Signs!

To be honest Sanshi I was sad to begin with, but I haven't spoken to him in nearly 2 months and feel fine, I don't sit about crying etc! I go to work go out with my mates planing to go away in a few weeks, so I am busy. And I don't hate he one bit,we went our separate ways cos he was not ready to commit cos he has been hurt. There is no bad feelings towards him, in fact when I think of him he makes me smile cos he was so funny!! Xx

Last edited by Butterfly16 (7/17/2016 11:37 am)


7/17/2016 2:38 pm  #12

Re: Signs!

Jim Chien Beige wrote:

I do believe in signs. Yesterday I was at the airport and waiting for my Uber. And I got a notification that the driver was arriving. Guess what the message said? J... is on his way. The driver had the same name as my BF, and that is my affirmation... J loves me and he's on his way.

That's nice and I love it, when things like this happen. The last week of the relationship with my ex, we got fortune cookies, but we didn't eat them right then. Maybe 3 months after the breakup I stalked around in his room (we still live together) and found the saying of his fortune cookie. It was something about a happy Yes, it gave me hope back then, but where is my guy? I don't want him anymore, but it has been 7 months since I saw that "sign" and nothing has happened at all (because I never was in the vibrational place that something could happen). Now I think the only sign that there is is your alignment. You can always tell where you are by the way you feel.

"Self-abandonment. That is the secret. We have to abandon ourselves to the state, in our love for the state, and in so doing live the life of the state and no more our present state. And to make the state alive, one must become it."

Neville Goddard ~ The Law and the Promise

7/17/2016 2:41 pm  #13

Re: Signs!

Butterfly16 wrote:

To be honest Sanshi I was sad to begin with, but I haven't spoken to him in nearly 2 months and feel fine, I don't sit about crying etc! I go to work go out with my mates planing to go away in a few weeks, so I am busy. And I don't hate he one bit,we went our separate ways cos he was not ready to commit cos he has been hurt. There is no bad feelings towards him, in fact when I think of him he makes me smile cos he was so funny!! Xx

Do what feels right to you. If you feel the need to focus on him, do it. If you think you can happily go off the subject and it would benefit you, do it. It's a journey and you will never again be at the point you were yesterday. What resonates with you today maybe won't resonate with you tomorrow, and what feels wrong to you today maybe won't feel wrong to you anymore tomorrow. Follow your own guidance.

"Self-abandonment. That is the secret. We have to abandon ourselves to the state, in our love for the state, and in so doing live the life of the state and no more our present state. And to make the state alive, one must become it."

Neville Goddard ~ The Law and the Promise

7/17/2016 3:08 pm  #14

Re: Signs!

Thanks Sanshi that's kinda how I am and have been, I'm following my guidance! Some days I just forget about him and think about me! Like I said I don't feel sad anymore cos I know I'm my heart it will be fine xx

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7/17/2016 3:27 pm  #15

Re: Signs!

Sanshi wrote:

Jim Chien Beige wrote:

I do believe in signs. Yesterday I was at the airport and waiting for my Uber. And I got a notification that the driver was arriving. Guess what the message said? J... is on his way. The driver had the same name as my BF, and that is my affirmation... J loves me and he's on his way.

That's nice and I love it, when things like this happen. The last week of the relationship with my ex, we got fortune cookies, but we didn't eat them right then. Maybe 3 months after the breakup I stalked around in his room (we still live together) and found the saying of his fortune cookie. It was something about a happy Yes, it gave me hope back then, but where is my guy? I don't want him anymore, but it has been 7 months since I saw that "sign" and nothing has happened at all (because I never was in the vibrational place that something could happen). Now I think the only sign that there is is your alignment. You can always tell where you are by the way you feel.

I feel fine and confident... and you are right, that should be my only sign.


7/17/2016 3:34 pm  #16

Re: Signs!

Jim Chien Beige wrote:

Sanshi wrote:

Jim Chien Beige wrote:

I do believe in signs. Yesterday I was at the airport and waiting for my Uber. And I got a notification that the driver was arriving. Guess what the message said? J... is on his way. The driver had the same name as my BF, and that is my affirmation... J loves me and he's on his way.

That's nice and I love it, when things like this happen. The last week of the relationship with my ex, we got fortune cookies, but we didn't eat them right then. Maybe 3 months after the breakup I stalked around in his room (we still live together) and found the saying of his fortune cookie. It was something about a happy Yes, it gave me hope back then, but where is my guy? I don't want him anymore, but it has been 7 months since I saw that "sign" and nothing has happened at all (because I never was in the vibrational place that something could happen). Now I think the only sign that there is is your alignment. You can always tell where you are by the way you feel.

I feel fine and confident... and you are right, that should be my only sign.

I agree X

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