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7/15/2016 4:40 pm  #1

How to not screw it up a second time!

Realised I have the unique enough experience of attracting back ex's a second, third and fifth time before but these didn't last and I'm going to share some tips I learnt on how to not let it all go after you get it back.
1. Remember that no relationship is ever perfect and you will experience some problems
2. The problems will be new ones and old ones
3. Try to visualise going through problems with your SO and imagining how you would react before you get back together
4. Remember that he/she will never be perfect all the time but maintain all the reasons why you love them in your head and that you fought for them so don't give up too easily if things get tough
5. Remember that you are lovable and worthwhile and you don't need them to validate that in you so if they start taking advantage of you, have the courage to stand up to them and don't live in terror of them leaving if you do stand up to them
6. Never hold it against them for leaving in the first place, they did what they did at that time but its over
7. Don't treat them like a god, they will only find it smothering
8. Don't lose your confidence and get clingy!!!
9. Don't act too cocky either, don't try and show off too much that you can live without them and don't need them (you can and you don't but these behaviours will push them away)
10. Be aware that they might get wary of you and a bit paranoid thinking that you might hurt them by leaving because they hurt you (I saw this happen to a rekindled relationship and it ended soon after they reconciled)
11. Be aware that they might have grown and changed and might not be exactly who they were when you were with them before or that you might have grown and they might be a bit confused with you for a little while
12. Try not to ever jump to jealous confusions especially if you know they had someone after you, try give them the benefit of the doubt and be respectful of their past
13. Use loa to bring out the best in you and how you view them
14. If you have them back but after a little while find you're unhappy or bored or you just don't feel what you wanted, don't blame them, don't stay either , don't drag it out to another painful break up, just gracefully end it realising that they are no longer what you want but happy that you got to try again to see

These are my top tips I've experienced them all after rekinlding so thought I'd share

'What We Think, We Become' -Buddha

7/16/2016 12:52 am  #2

Re: How to not screw it up a second time!

Nice tips! Could really use some help myself, I attracted my girl back once before, but want her back again just finding it incredibly hard right now. Any advice?


7/16/2016 1:22 am  #3

Re: How to not screw it up a second time!

I have to disagree on some points.

1. It would be more benefical to not focus on potential problems.
3. I would prefer to NOT ever again visualise my problems, until I want to have them.
4. As long as we focus on the positive aspects of them, that's what we get.
9. What you describe sounds like you act that way. You can have a independent vibration and they will never leave. When you are honestly independent, you don't feel the need to prove it to them.
10. Only if you expect it.

To sum up everything in one point: Make your alignment the most important thing - ALWAYS.

"Self-abandonment. That is the secret. We have to abandon ourselves to the state, in our love for the state, and in so doing live the life of the state and no more our present state. And to make the state alive, one must become it."

Neville Goddard ~ The Law and the Promise

7/16/2016 8:24 am  #4

Re: How to not screw it up a second time!

Probably my wording was wrong ! OK here's what I mean, of COURSE visualise the BEST relationship ever ! But the best relationship ever still has moments of difficulties. So think about this : you get your boyfriend back, everything is blissful, you want to spend every moment you can with them and they're so happy then one day they want to hang out with their friends, totally normal situation right? Well in the past, you may have started worrying, getting a bit let down, upset, jealous even? But in this new relationship, you want it to work out better so it's good to imagine a situation like this and you keeping calm and happy and letting them go off and do their thing and feeling totally secure When I got back together with this person the first time, the first two months were blissful, then he planned a big trip abroad with his best friend and even though it had nothing to do with our relationship and was a plan they had while we were broken up and he still wanted to do it (6 weeks cycling around Europe, I hate cycling) I got so upset, insecure and we got into a huge on going argument over it that ruined us for a second time.Β 
Now, this wasn't worth that! This was a boys trip and I could have dealt with it better but because I had a total fairytale fantasy of us spending all our free time together, it blew my fantasy and my vibration out of the water. We did get back together after this but this did cause a break up and fights. Do you see what I'm getting at? This wasn't a relationship problem, but it became one because I wasn't able to see past my 'perfect' type of relationship and allow for imperfections to happen in a way that allowed our relationship to grow. If I could go back in time, I would have smiled, booked my own holiday with my friends for that time and then maybe met up with him after his trip and gone on our own special holiday and voila ! Sorted! But no, instead I fought, cried, stamped my feet, complained, brought everything down and boom crash and burn....

'What We Think, We Become' -Buddha
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7/16/2016 8:31 am  #5

Re: How to not screw it up a second time!

Granted, these are just things I have experienced personally and before I knew about LOA but a couple happened after I started learning about LOA and when life happens, it's hard to change how you think, we all have inbuilt habits and it's good to just remember to change how we behave. I have gotten back with a boyfriend after a year of being apart and also I have gotten back with my previous boyfriend about 4 times and these were the pitfalls. Perhaps it's just all personal and no one else will have the same experience, but I do think some of these problems are universal as some of my friends could relate to some. I remember one girl got back with her boyfriend the same time I did with mine about a year ago and said something like 'for the first month being back, it's perfect, then it starts to crash' and obviously that's her own experience but I know why she was experiencing that. Obviously because we know LOA we have the upper hand of being able to get through negative situations or to see positives more easily and clearly now But we can also succumb to our natural human nature too so I just wrote this list for people who are maybe less experienced with the practice of LOA but who may be getting back together with their SOs already or close to getting back together and may experience these difficulties and I look back on my past self and I just want to shout at her for letting things slip when they didn't need to!

'What We Think, We Become' -Buddha
     Thread Starter

7/16/2016 8:46 am  #6

Re: How to not screw it up a second time!

GirlyGirl111 - because I know my person so well, I already know the things about him that bother me and how I've reacted to them in the is that he gets obessive about being this reggae DJ when he knows deep inside that his true calling is academics but he just doesn't have the self esteem or courage to pursue it and that annoys me because he isn't living his true potential and his real dream. So I think to myself, I love him, I want to be with him, but if I want us to be happy, I'm going to have to learn to accept that he will keep doing this DJ thing and I will have to be able to smile and support him which will be hard for me but I will have to do it for him if I love him. I love him, I want to be with him, but I will also have to remember that he is naturally independent and he adores his friends and if he gave up seeing his friends for me, he'd be very unhappy, so I will have to be ok with days or times where he wants to be with the boys and not me and be totally cool and fine about it I've gotten back together with him about 4 times and every time I had this fantasy ideal relationship in my head of just me and him most of the time and trying to make it happen but every time, he's felt smothered and pressured and I don't want to make him feel that way again, I want him to be happy I'm looking forward to being back together because I think now I'm better being alone and we might finally be totally compatible, I know I won't be clingy anymore.
So to change the relationship to get the one of your dreams, you do have to take the real knowledge you know of what makes that person happy and also what makes you happy and change yourself in small ways to be more easy going or more independent or whatever needs be that can work for the both of you If you are the same person and they are the same person, you will just have the exact same relationship and that's a waste of time because we all know how that went..... So it's about keeping in alignment, but also learning new ways to be the girl of his dreams so he feels inspired to be the man of yours Β Β 

'What We Think, We Become' -Buddha
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7/16/2016 9:06 am  #7

Re: How to not screw it up a second time!

I understand what you mean and from a a non-LoA point of view it's good advice for sure. But it is still about alignment. I had so many situations with my ex in which we fought, because he wanted to see his friends and my plans with him were slightly different. I know exactly how it feels to fight against it - not good. The moment you do that, you are out of alignment. The interesting thing is that he hasn't wanted to see his friends so often in the beginning of our relationship (the first 2 It started when my thoughts about him and the relationship changed. So if I would have stayed in alignment, it wouldn't have happened in the first place. And if your first goal is to stay always in alignment, you would feel discord when you think about him being with his friends negatively and you would immediately change your thoughts to more pleasant ones. So it wouldn't even matter what he does, because your happiness is unconditional.
And btw, someone who acts after getting back together just as before the breakup hasn't learned anything.

"Self-abandonment. That is the secret. We have to abandon ourselves to the state, in our love for the state, and in so doing live the life of the state and no more our present state. And to make the state alive, one must become it."

Neville Goddard ~ The Law and the Promise

7/16/2016 12:11 pm  #8

Re: How to not screw it up a second time!

Hey all, I actually think the general point of the post was advice through her experience and I personally appreciate it. It's brave to expose yourself and give us a heads up sort a speak of what we could avoid.

I learned to take what resonates and leave what doesn't...its validity will sit differently with another person.

You have all added additional points that have helped as well... possibily start a post for newbies from people who got an ex to even TALK to them again and just add on thing at a time...that way when someone is down they can use it as a quick reference.. just a thought to combine your thinking without contrast?

We are a family finally, there's nothing more beautiful than that.

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