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7/11/2016 2:58 am  #231

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

RollingRock33 wrote:

Cmon man. PLEASE. I really need help. Im trying so hard. I just want her back

You have had 26 pages of help on this thread plus the earlier one but you don't listen to what advice you are given and you just go off and contact her anyway, which you have proved isn't working. It's Groundhog Day!

Last edited by PrettyFlamingo (7/11/2016 4:18 am)

Be a flamingo in a flock of pigeons.

7/11/2016 4:23 am  #232

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

Dan2015 wrote:

You should download Pokemon go. Maybe it will take your mind off things for awhile

That's honestly the BEST advice ever given on this forum.

You sound like a broken record. If you were confident in yourself, you wouldn't make your happiness dependent on another person. You are needy as hell and can't even find something for yourself that makes you happy. Sorry to say that, but you can't be needy and confident at the same time and you are needy for sure. If you want her back, stop saying that you want her back and get your ass up and implement the advice. Your self-pity serves no one, least you. You have to make the DECISION to change something. That's all it need. You cling to the thoughts about her, because you feel that it's the only way to hold her in your life. It just takes a decision to let go of this thoughts. Yes, it will hurt again, because you feel that you give the last piece of her away. But you are the master over your thoughts. You can't tell us that you can't stop thinking about her. You can - you just have to want it and that seems not to be the case right now.

And Cherished is right, congratulations to the wonderful manifestation. In the beginning, your story was more hopeful than most others. You were in contact, but you have repeated your bad thoughts so often and acted accordingly that she now hates you and doesn't want anything to do with you. Wow!

"Self-abandonment. That is the secret. We have to abandon ourselves to the state, in our love for the state, and in so doing live the life of the state and no more our present state. And to make the state alive, one must become it."

Neville Goddard ~ The Law and the Promise

7/11/2016 5:21 am  #233

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

RollingRock33 wrote:

Dan2015 wrote:

Damn.   I don't have anymore suggestions.       Honestly.   I think it's passed the point of us helping, you need to help yourself now.   I mean. Do you want to be miserable 5-6 months from now?        It's almost like you're looking for reasons to feel sorry for yourself(I'm sure we've all been here)

Honestly.   I would suggest.  Staying off the forum.   Forgetting her.  And just focus on you.    Pretend that you never met her

Cmon man. PLEASE. I really need help. Im trying so hard. I just want her back

Nobody else can fix this for you! You have had some of the BEST advice given to you across ALL of the LOA forums and that includes advice from people who have SUCCEEDED. No one can raise your vibe for you, you have to learn how to do it and maintain it yourself! You already KNOW how to do it but for some reason choose not to because you just want her back right now without really doing any of the leg work and let me tell you, it isn't going to happen that way.

Honestly, I think it's gotten to a point where the only thing you would benefit from right now to get yourself centred again before attracting her back is therapy. You have an UNHEALTHY obsession and honestly it's appearing quite scary to even us as onlookers let alone what the poor girl must be feeling. You need to GET AWAY from this girl to get her and YOU back. What don't you understand? If you loved her you would LEAVE HER ALONE. That is unconditional love and it will be benefit you in so many ways.

Please, RR, before she calls the police. Do BOTH of yourselves a favour. Dan is right, stay away from the LoA forums for now. It's not helping you while you are in this frame of mind. You will thank yourself in the long run!

Last edited by Em (7/11/2016 5:27 am)


7/11/2016 5:34 am  #234

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

Thumbs up for wolf.

"Self-abandonment. That is the secret. We have to abandon ourselves to the state, in our love for the state, and in so doing live the life of the state and no more our present state. And to make the state alive, one must become it."

Neville Goddard ~ The Law and the Promise

7/11/2016 5:35 am  #235

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

Wolf! Β That is an amazing reply.

Be a flamingo in a flock of pigeons.

7/11/2016 5:37 am  #236

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

Em wrote:

You already KNOW how to do it but for some reason choose not to because you just want her back right now without really doing any of the leg work and let me tell you, it isn't going to happen that way.

That was what I was getting at with my post yesterday, telling him to ask himself why he wants her back and what would be different when he did. Β 

It would be a disaster - I mean, what has he to offer her other than clinginess at the moment and a sense of being zero without her? Β He is not zero, but is acting less than zero.Β 

Be a flamingo in a flock of pigeons.

7/11/2016 5:38 am  #237

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

Rolling Rock Sir, I am closing this success story down. And here's my suggestion, based on the unanimous feedback I have had regarding this thread. I'd love it if you could open up a brand new thread, and WITHOUT referencing your ex AT ALL, discuss with us the ways in which you are focussing on aligning yourself with a better outcome. What processes are you working on, what steps you are taking, what other areas you can put your energy into. Work with us here, because (and goodness knows HOW, but anyway lol) you STILL have a gazillion members on here trying their darnedest to lend a helping hand. We will all be waiting eagerly for this new thread to open. 😊

If you imagine it in your mind..
Believe it in your heart..
Feel it in your soul..
You will hold it in your hand πŸ’žΒ 

7/11/2016 6:08 am  #238

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

Cherished wrote:

Rolling Rock Sir, I am closing this success story down. And here's my suggestion, based on the unanimous feedback I have had regarding this thread. I'd love it if you could open up a brand new thread, and WITHOUT referencing your ex AT ALL, discuss with us the ways in which you are focussing on aligning yourself with a better outcome. What processes are you working on, what steps you are taking, what other areas you can put your energy into. Work with us here, because (and goodness knows HOW, but anyway lol) you STILL have a gazillion members on here trying their darnedest to lend a helping hand. We will all be waiting eagerly for this new thread to open. 😊

Halleluia! Halleluia! Halleluia! Halleluia! Halle-e-luia!

Be a flamingo in a flock of pigeons.

7/11/2016 6:15 am  #239

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

PrettyFlamingo wrote:

Cherished wrote:

Rolling Rock Sir, I am closing this success story down. And here's my suggestion, based on the unanimous feedback I have had regarding this thread. I'd love it if you could open up a brand new thread, and WITHOUT referencing your ex AT ALL, discuss with us the ways in which you are focussing on aligning yourself with a better outcome. What processes are you working on, what steps you are taking, what other areas you can put your energy into. Work with us here, because (and goodness knows HOW, but anyway lol) you STILL have a gazillion members on here trying their darnedest to lend a helping hand. We will all be waiting eagerly for this new thread to open. 😊

Halleluia! Halleluia! Halleluia! Halleluia! Halle-e-luia!

Aaaah, HΓ€ndel! Even recognizable in text form.

"Self-abandonment. That is the secret. We have to abandon ourselves to the state, in our love for the state, and in so doing live the life of the state and no more our present state. And to make the state alive, one must become it."

Neville Goddard ~ The Law and the Promise

7/11/2016 6:53 am  #240

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

wolf wrote:

My last suggestion to you, RR, is also that you should really get into active communication with Veronica herself.
She's like our queen here.
If you don't want to listen to us, perhaps you would listen to herΒ 

Great idea Wolf.. Veronica certainly is the queen here and I'm sure RR will have awesome success if he can follow her advice. 😊

If you imagine it in your mind..
Believe it in your heart..
Feel it in your soul..
You will hold it in your hand πŸ’žΒ 

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