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7/10/2016 9:32 pm  #201

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

It will only give them hope when ALL the people backing you see that you STOP CONTACTING HER

If you imagine it in your mind..
Believe it in your heart..
Feel it in your soul..
You will hold it in your hand πŸ’žΒ 

7/10/2016 9:37 pm  #202

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

I am really sensitive right now because your torturing yourself and letting your fear eat at you. Fears are fake evidence appearing real. The word fear is in that statement for a reason. You really need to stop hurting yourself.....I just can't bare seeing someone put them self through so much pain when they have so much potential....I'm sorry everyone for being so teary over this.....It is just I ended up in the hospital because of my anxiety....

A King only bows down to his Queen.

7/10/2016 9:43 pm  #203

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

Okay, so how the hell am I supposed to start feeling better and hopeful about her coming back (even from a high vibration) when she says, "omg why would I want to be in your life when all you want from me is a relationship and I wll never be in a relationship with you EVER!!"? Even from a high vibration, when someone is so damn dead-set on that, how would I maintain a high vibration?

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7/10/2016 9:47 pm  #204

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

Right now a high vibration is too far a gap from where you are, so your focus should be to just find some relief and soothe yourself to feel a little better.

You need to decide whether you're going to believe in LOA or not, if you decide you do want to then do lots of reading up on it so you really get to grips with the fundamentals.

Right now you are not in the right state to be attracting her back so you will need to take the focus off her and put it on you so you can work on bringing yourself to the state to attract her back.. That will require no contact. Can you do it?


7/10/2016 10:12 pm  #205

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

Thanks. I don't have a choice, anyway. I always start this, then I get scared and feel as though she'll forget about me, find some new guy, etc, then I reach out. I need to stop that. I hope my situation can still become possible...

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7/10/2016 10:19 pm  #206

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

You can't keep doing the same thing and expect different results. If you truly understand LOA you will know that even now your situation is still not hopeless. You would also know to not allow yourself to fear things since they will come true.

This journey is not easy, we all have our fears and doubts but the more you learn and practise working with LOA the more it gets easier to discipline your mind. If you decide to take this journey you will grow into a stronger person more in control of your emotions and your life. It all comes down to self love.

Currently you're looking in the mirror and trying to make changes on the reflection you see... You can't. The change needs to be within you. We are all here to support you but you have to make the commitment.

Last edited by PowerOfLove (7/10/2016 10:20 pm)


7/10/2016 10:52 pm  #207

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

The only way to get your vibe up is to actually leave her out of it for a while. You actually need to get yourself back on track first. You are not relationship material at this point, and that's ok. You need to learn that you are perfectly capable of standing on your own 2 feet ALONE. And you need to get comfortable with that. Happy with it, even. It starts with being an adult, respecting yourself and her, and not contacting her again. Unless SHE reaches out to you. You can attract her back much later, down the track. But not from this vibe.

If you imagine it in your mind..
Believe it in your heart..
Feel it in your soul..
You will hold it in your hand πŸ’žΒ 

7/10/2016 10:55 pm  #208

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

Become your greatest version.

A King only bows down to his Queen.

7/10/2016 10:56 pm  #209

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

Cherished wrote:

The only way to get your vibe up is to actually leave her out of it for a while. You actually need to get yourself back on track first. You are not relationship material at this point, and that's ok. You need to learn that you are perfectly capable of standing on your own 2 feet ALONE. And you need to get comfortable with that. Happy with it, even. It starts with being an adult, respecting yourself and her, and not contacting her again. Unless SHE reaches out to you. You can attract her back much later, down the track. But not from this vibe.

So I can't reach out to her to spend time with me on my birthday? Damn that's all I wanted for my birthday, and I even told her that

Oh well. If you say this situation even is not hopeless, then I'll try my best to believe you. I really want her back, and clearly you know so much more about this than I do

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7/10/2016 11:12 pm  #210

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

You know what? NOT reaching out to her is the best thing you can give yourself for your birthday. Because she will be expecting you to reach out, and she will start to build a little respect for you if you keep quiet and stay away.

If you imagine it in your mind..
Believe it in your heart..
Feel it in your soul..
You will hold it in your hand πŸ’žΒ 

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