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7/10/2016 3:45 pm  #1

Good results!!!!

Hi everyone, I've been doing vibrational 'work' for around 12 weeks now.  At first I worked on healing my own feelings.   I sent love to the situation, my love and myself and used the heart healing method.  This had a powerful effect on how I felt when I saw my guy.  I have been fortunate to be in continuous contact as we live nearby and also work together.  Once I learned about NC, I didn't message him, always let him contact me and he did fairly regularly.  I would do RS and then hear from him.  Anyway, moving on. so I learned from Veronica, all the wise people here and read Lanies' books and started doing RS/visualisation.
Everytime I met him, I noticed things were always improving, we were laughing/joking and as I said we were doing music together. We started going swimming together, having meals, often he initiated these ideas.  During this time also, I started feeling happier and generally gaining more confidence, started believing in myself more.  I have some good friends who were there for me too and very supportive.

Since chatting to you all on here, reading posts etc I started getting really excited and positive about being able to change things around.  The last couple of weeks have been particularly intense and energy has been building, within myself and I also have felt it when with my guy.  I feel clear and good when I'm with him, like meeting for the first time or dating.  I feel I've dissolved/healed the past, I don't go there, I don't focus there.  It's gone, it's healed.  Some great people on here have helped me so much with the truth as well about 'ignoring present circumstance' 
I've been tested at times too circumstantially, felt it in my gut, but I've managed to move through it everytime I realise a greater truth.  I saw synchronicites this last week that made me feel like I had reached a new place in my vibration!  I realised I could rewrite the relationship.  I got to the stage of feeling 100% sure that me and guy are together and are in love.  In particular, I was focussed on intimacy/passion this last week.  I 'intended' that I would be intimate with my guy this weekend.  I scripted for it to happen yesterday but it didn't, I knew the universe would find the right time. Then today, all was unfolding for it to happen today, basically when he was coming round for music practise.  I took 'inspired action'  I say that because it was a big thing for me to do, a complete leap of faith but it just 'felt' right and it worked out!!!   As I said in my post ealier, there were things said afterwards that weren't quite what I've been scripting and affirming this week but I got the 'passion' that I had been scripting about for sure!  Emotions/feelings/falling in love will come in its own time.  I trust that it will.  But, I'm not attached either.  All that's needed is to state your intention, KNOW/FEEL that it is so, and then LET IT GO and TRUST THAT IT IS SO.
I came up with a saying the other day. LET IT GO BECAUSE YOU KNOW.  Know that it is so, and FEEL IT, spend some time practising the FEELING of it.  I should add, that I really started exaggerating 'feeling' when I read out loud my script.  Also, tell yourself that your man/woman loves you over and over. 

I think I've incorporated all the methods I know of including EFT and a crystal grid this week.  I did so for fun!  I heard Abe say make it like a game, have fun!  So I think that helps to, to enjoy how these tools make YOU feel.  I use whichever suits me at the time.  I do think consistency gets results but then it's good to let go too and make sure you're not obsessing about it all as this creates anxiety.  Notice your feelings about it and keep 'releasing' them.  You just want to feel good.  Give thanks for the day and all of her amazing gifts for you.  And above all, feel and know the unconditional love Source has for you.  Nourish yourself first.  Make that relationship your priority and let it nurture you.

Blessings xxx

Love is all

7/10/2016 5:00 pm  #2

Re: Good results!!!!


I am so happy seeing these positive vibe in this post.

I know you've been going on an emotional rollercoaster ride for the past few weeks, but y'know, the BEST IS YET TO COME!! you're doing everything correctly, and best part is that YOU ARE ENJOYING YOUR LIFE AND BEING HAPPY!! and you 'FEEL' good (y'know what I'm saying right? *wink wink* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA) keep up with the scripting!!!!

sending you love and positive energy, girl <3 always here for you

When you feel like negative emotions are taking over, "Breathe, Have Faith, Believe" 

7/10/2016 5:54 pm  #3

Re: Good results!!!!

Awwww, you are an Angel, love you!!!!!!  Also, I remember J saying 'the best is yet to come' lolol  That's two things you've said tonight that seem to link me with him.  I've had lots of synchronicities this week giving me a blessing!!!!! 

I was looking for rose quartz because its associated with love and wanted to pick some up to 'energise' my intentions. and the next day a woman whose dog I was looking after, gave me a large rock rose quartz crystal as a gift!   And, I met J on my journey home one day, amazing timing.  I got a flashback of the scene in the adjustment bureau right at the end, where they say they are going to rewrite the script/destiny because of the love they couple had for one another.  I was touched by this, it was an affirmation of being able to rewrite a relationship the way you want it.

Love is all
     Thread Starter

7/10/2016 6:17 pm  #4

Re: Good results!!!!

Yay Susiewoo, I really enjoyed reading your post! Keep doing what you're doing girl!

"All that's needed is to state your intention, KNOW/FEEL that it is so, and then LET IT GO and TRUST THAT IT IS SO."  Yessssssssss!!! It is DONE!  xox


7/10/2016 6:42 pm  #5

Re: Good results!!!!

Susiewoo wrote:

Awwww, you are an Angel, love you!!!!!!  Also, I remember J saying 'the best is yet to come' lolol  That's two things you've said tonight that seem to link me with him.  I've had lots of synchronicities this week giving me a blessing!!!!! 

I was looking for rose quartz because its associated with love and wanted to pick some up to 'energise' my intentions. and the next day a woman whose dog I was looking after, gave me a large rock rose quartz crystal as a gift!   And, I met J on my journey home one day, amazing timing.  I got a flashback of the scene in the adjustment bureau right at the end, where they say they are going to rewrite the script/destiny because of the love they couple had for one another.  I was touched by this, it was an affirmation of being able to rewrite a relationship the way you want it.

Adjustment Bureau is one of my favorite movies. I also love how you manifested the rose quartz. I am very into crystals myself.

A King only bows down to his Queen.

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