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7/06/2016 10:33 pm  #161

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

RollingRock33 wrote:

happyinlove wrote:

I am trying to put this as nicely as possible. Why are you questioning something you wanted? I mean did you want to be blocked? See loa was working for ya and you are like no let me figure this out. Dude also do not tell her what you plan to do. She doesn't need to know that any of it. Just follow what EVERYONE has told you. Why keep asking why she did this and that you are focusing on the wrong thing doing that.

Honestly, because I'm still trying to figure out how she feels about me, if I have a chance, etc. I want to know that I have that chance, because uncertainty makes me so worried in this scenario. I want to Β increase my vibe, etc., and knowing if I've got that chance, if she still has feelings for me would help... It would help my mood, and the manifestation process. Up until a few minutes ago I was feeling on top of the world.

Her actions are so... odd. I can follow what everyone has told me, I just don't understand why she'd unblock me if she wants me out of her life. It's odd as **** o.o

I said depending on what she says or even feels for that matter won't help. It's not about what she wants or feels. It's about what YOU want. There is a reason I keep stressing the importance of it all being on you.

I told you she is like a female version of my beloved from her actions and words, they sound alike. But I had to not hold onto his words or worry if he loves me for me to get where I am now. I had to do this for me. To prove to myself that I am amazing, am worthy of love from others and myself. I had to dig deep into my core and find inner peace and balance.

Through that I was able to give gratitude everyday for the things around me, including having him in my life. I was able to send him unconditional love energy and I felt free for once. Not tied down to this emotion that only responded to him, instead I gained faith in myself and him. That faith is now building other parts of my life that are just as important.

She is just a small part of a bigger story, you are the lead role. It is all up to what you do. You need to let go of relying on her and start relying on you because you are the one person who will always be there. So start supporting yourself. Start to realize that what you are doing by trying to analyze the current situation with her is only holding you back from reaching that point of truly being with her.

There is a reason I keep telling you to leave her be. Do not waste your time questioning, instead just leave her be, let go of this toxic attachment you have on her and just start to breathe. You know that saying, "Only you know the answer. The answer exists inside of you"? This is true, but we are not looking for the answer to the situation.

We are looking for the answer to who you really are and what kind of life do you want to serve from this point further. From that point you can start building on the kind of character you want to posses, maybe someone who is more calm and cannot feel uneasy. Someone who is confident that all is on its way. These little things will make a BIG difference in your WORLD.

A King only bows down to his Queen.

7/07/2016 5:20 am  #162

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

You won't like what I have to say and you will probably ignore it, but I will do it anyway:

Your case isn't hopeless. But I feel that YOU are a hopeless case. You are around for months now and I can't see much improvement. You are not willing or able to take our advice and implement it. Yes, it's possible to get an ex back, but you need to be strong and persistent. Many people are just hurting themselfs by trying to attract an ex back and I think you are one of them. Moving on can be very freeing. You can get your own power back and if you are completely over this girl, you can still give LoA another shot, but from a new and better emotional place.

"Self-abandonment. That is the secret. We have to abandon ourselves to the state, in our love for the state, and in so doing live the life of the state and no more our present state. And to make the state alive, one must become it."

Neville Goddard ~ The Law and the Promise

7/07/2016 8:56 am  #163

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

wolf wrote:

RR, I have all the belief in the world that once you pick up this advice given to you,Β 
and do the work, you will see such shifts happen
and you will wonder why you resisted the advice for so long in the first place!
It has happened to all of us who were once newcomers to this forum.

And once you succeed, which you will, because it is just a matter of time
until a human reaches a point of so much pain for not doing the vibrational work
that it's going to become the most important thing to them, just to feel a little bit better and more powerful;
once you succeed, you are going to be our example to other newcomers for many years.
So many people are going to be pointed to this thread here,
you represent so many, you have no idea.

It is good you are having this experience in this particular way
because you are a representative of crowds of people
who are having this same experience.
You succeeding is not only going to help you but so many others as well.
I'd even go as far as to say that if you don't just give up and leave the forum,
and for once start doing the work which we can all help you with,
one day you will be the expert here guiding somebody in the situation that you are right now experiencing.
It can get so good. It's natural for it to get so good.Β 
You've just gotta stop doing that thing you do that pinches you off of the high-flying placeΒ 

Boom! Bravo πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ’œ

If you imagine it in your mind..
Believe it in your heart..
Feel it in your soul..
You will hold it in your hand πŸ’žΒ 

7/07/2016 4:21 pm  #164

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

I really would love to see you blossom and talk about all things you've discovered about yourself in the making.

A King only bows down to his Queen.

7/07/2016 4:28 pm  #165

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

holistichealing wrote:

I really would love to see you blossom and talk about all things you've discovered about yourself in the making.

So would I, and I mentioned that on page 15 of this thread but he said he didn't really have anything else to focus on.

I couldn't believe it. Β What, no friends, no books, no games, no TV shows, no activities, sport, movies Β ............Β 

I remember allowing someone to occupy every waking moment of my thoughts, and doing that spoiled the good times I should have been having with whoever I was spending time with - including myself. Β It really wasn't worth it, but I guess you have to get into a place where you realise that for yourself.Β 

Giving someone that level of power over you is scary, particularly when the other person doesn't actually know that you are obsessing - it is really sad not to have a life because you are focusing on someone else the whole time.Β 

Be a flamingo in a flock of pigeons.

7/07/2016 5:30 pm  #166

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

Right, and this could have all been avoided had he pulled away from her for awhile to sort his emotions out and work on himself. It makes me wonder what he was doing before he was with her.

A King only bows down to his Queen.

7/07/2016 8:03 pm  #167

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

holistichealing wrote:

Right, and this could have all been avoided had he pulled away from her for awhile to sort his emotions out and work on himself. It makes me wonder what he was doing before he was with her.

I could be wrong(since only he knows) Β but I bet before her... he had a life going for himself, because usually we attract our loves BECAUSE we had stuff going for us... but like most of us, he probably let her become TOO much of his life.. and then she became ALL of his life

This kind of happened to me... before i met my love... I had a good amount going for myself, but like a few weeks/month before we brokeup... all i wanted to do was talk to her, I didn't even follow my routine... I just wanted to talk to her, which is unhealthy.. most good relationships have where both people have their own me time.


7/07/2016 9:13 pm  #168

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

I feel for him deeply only because I ended up in the hospital from being really sick from anxiety. My anxiety really messed up my nervous system and my kidneys were not functioning properly. My immune system was really weak too.

A King only bows down to his Queen.

7/08/2016 1:39 pm  #169

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

Little worried about what the psychic said. She said she is DEFINITELY not coming back. Ever.

How can I be so sure that it's based on the energy at the time and not set in stone?

     Thread Starter

7/08/2016 1:44 pm  #170

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

RollingRock33 wrote:

Little worried about what the psychic said. She said she is DEFINITELY not coming back. Ever.

How can I be so sure that it's based on the energy at the time and not set in stone?

It is only set in stone if you believe it to. Have you manifested anything else? That should be proof enough because everything has a vibration. Even material things.

A King only bows down to his Queen.

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