Hello, friends! I was feeling pretty down just a few days ago and then I discovered something truly amazing that I wanted to share with you all in case you haven't heard it. Although, if you have heard of it I would not be surprised as most of you have been here much longer than I.
It's called Pray Rain Journaling. It's almost the same as a script, but a bit different. You take a notebook and you write in it about things as if they have already happened. It is said that you try and include as many details as possible. For example, I sat down and wrote pages and pages about the "second first date" with my guy and what it was like, how it made me feel, etc. It raised my vibration in minutes! Legend says that you will have manifested your desire by the time you complete all of the pages, and if you haven't manifested it- you will be able to nearly taste it!
Let me tell you, I was feeling so negative that I decided this may just work, so I decided to give it a shot. By the time I had written a single page, I was feeling so much better- definitely back to my "neutral alignment" (a 7/8 on a scale of 1-10). The next day, I wrote more. After this, I was vibrating higher than I had ever vibrated before! Truly, a 10. I am so confident and happy in this moment. My guy is my guy and he loves me as I love him. After the second day, I was so pleased. This is only the 3rd day and I haven't even written yet today and let me tell you, he is so close I can almost taste it!
I am truly in a place where I can see my desire manifesting as soon as today and I couldn't be happier. Today, I woke up feeling as though I don't need him, I just want him. If he doesn't ever call me, I'll be just fine because I am surrounded by the love of my family and new found friends. I have never felt so good and such a vibrational match to my desire.
Anyways, I highly suggest all of you try Pray Rain Journaling as a quick-fix for low vibration or as a tool to increase that vibration and manifest even quicker! I'll post again later when manifestation comes my way. ;)
Hey you are doing really great.
. Keep it up.. I might too can give it a shot.. It's a good idea 😉
That's wonderful, is this the same as 'scripting'? But yes, do whatever makes you feel better!
It is a great idea to try it, honestly. I honestly have tried scripting as well but I like this much better as there is the legend of ending the notebook! This seemed to help me much more than scripting, just because of this small factor.
I haven't heard of this technique so thanks for posting. I'll definitely give it a try.
There's an entirely different journaling technique that I've found useful. Now I realize we should focus on the positive and what we want rather than what we don't want but sometimes I find that very hard to do. That's where this technique comes in - it helps you release the negative. I believe the generic name for it is expressive journaling. There is a LOT of psychological research showing its benefit. The original psychologist studying it is James Pennebaker (if you Google him, he's not the guitar player of the same name :-) The basic technique is that if you have a situation that is really troubling you to write about it continuously, pen-not-leaving-the-page continuously, for 20 minutes straight describing what's going on, what your thoughts and feelings and reactions are. Do this every day for 4 or 5 days and you're done. The pages aren't meant to be shown to anyone. When I do this, I like to toss them in a blazing fire in my fireplace. There are randomized studies showing remarkable results from this. For example, a large group of engineers who were laid off from a company were randomized to receive standard outplacement support or outplacement support plus expressive journaling training. Those who did the journaling were multiple times more likely to have found new work at the same or higher salary 6 months later. Pennebaker has published a book (I believe Writing to Heal) describing the technique and research supporting it in some detail. I can imagine using expressive journaling to get "unstuck" off a sticky issue and then moving on using the Pray Rain approach to paint a masterpiece on the newly scrubbed canvas. Thanks for posting!